
To me the story of the Ivory King was the saddest. The crown trilogy showed how greed and self preservation led to the downfall of all kings, qualities which the daughters of Manus latched onto. The Ivory King was so stunningly different, when the doors of chaos fire opened, he made his throne room around it so he and

Fortnite is a better game in terms of quality. However, I will pick PUBG any day despite it’s bugs. Like you said, it has that military, grounded feel to everything. There are tons of mini battles happening all the time, lots of decision making to go along with the combat. Weapons themselves have a learning curve

Who said about top of the line. A dedicated $50 will sound much better than $250 gaming headsets.

Who said about top of the line. A dedicated $50 will sound much better than $250 gaming headsets.

Don’t fall for fake 7.1. Get a studio grade, no frills headset and a seperate microphone like modmic. But I guess for PS4 and Xbox it might not be possible to use both a headset and a seperate microphone.

Don’t fall for fake 7.1. Get a studio grade, no frills headset and a seperate microphone like modmic. But I guess

Is rampant cheating also part of Chinese values?

When having to understand something as trivial as in game currency is more complicated than the gameplay systems which support the game itself, then the alarm bells should be ringing.

Nothing extraordinary here. I do the same thing with a Genij Dash towards Tracer.

How on earth is an official competition even allow such horrible ping at this level. This does not bode well for the NEW Quake and its chances for doing well in the competitive level

Much respect for the developer.

They are on a completely different level.

The game was a lifeline for FPS in my opinion. The genre deviated so much from it’s core values that it started to crumble under the weight of superficial addons. I love how pure W:NO to the genre by making the simple act of shooting so much fun. What surprised me even more was the story: I never played an FPS game

It is a beautifully presented adventure game. Why do every game have to be something else? 

2 DLCs announced, for which you have to wait 1 whole year unless you play on the ps4. Well ahead of you.

Do all the work to simply port the game so people can play for a few 2 months or so? Not to mention the online mature of the game would mean the game would be a ghost town when it 2 comes out.

Will there be a similar deal where PC and xbox players have to wait entire year for content? If so, there is no point of buying this game on any other platform other than PS4.

The SP is great. However, as someone who got the game since lasty November, I need to warn you guys about the network performance of the game. A lot of us are have been having some serious network issues since launch. I am talking about pings jump insanely from 30ms to all the way to 300 or more. It is not stable as

The SP is great. However, as someone who got the game since lasty November, I need to warn you guys about the

I was expecting some PC specific info, but never got any from the stream. Also, I cannot buy any game when I have to wait an entire year for added content,which is absurd.

I love Witcher and expanse, this sounds great. However, I wish CD Projekt was in charge.

Same :( I always overcommit and get stuck behind enemy lines and quickly die afterwards. I know restraint, but for some reason I completely forget the idea whenever I play as genji.

Without the Four Horsemen, it is not Darksiders game to me.