Healing is a thankless job. So be thankless...
Healing is a thankless job. So be thankless...
Google it
It is called Star Citizen ‘Alpha’ 3.0. The Alpha is the keyword.
The moment Rockstar went with P2P model as opposed to dedicated server-based, they literally handed over the control of the game to the players, some of them being the hackers.
Can’t believe German law allowed this for so long. This a big negative points for their business protection initiatives.
In a few years PlayStation and Xbox (which is halfway there) will be service-oriented brands. This is actually good news, as games will no longer will be behind unique hardware and can be accessed from any device you own. PC of course makes it the best platform to access these services.
This is due to server lag. AI making the decisions based on what it thinks the player is as opposed to their exact location.
You can use Glitch...not at the expense of others. when you cross that line it becomes cheating.
It simply went back to the basics: What made an FPS, an FPS? Shooting and movement of course.
I want to donate for this project when I download it.
If any development team which deserves some cookies is Respawn Entertainment
Titanfall 2and watching Oversnatch
This year had a great diverse set of quality games. Any of the nominees could have easily won it. But based on public reception and impact, it is safe to say that Overwatch deserves the title for this year.
My favorite part of the level was you could hear the guards scrambling for backup as they were facing an unstoppable force. It made you wonder wtf was going on, then, after a few minutes you realize, it was you doing all those things in the past. Jumping back and forth, to them you are teleporting, killing machine.
Titanfall 2, in my opinion, is better than BF 1 by being a complete package and not being afraid to experiment and have fun with the mechanics. Between Titanfall 2 and DOOM, I can’t decide which is this year’s best shooter.
Wasn’t Fallout 4 anything to learn from? People don’t want to settle-in games when it is all about exploration, this is especially 100 times more true for No Man’s Sky.
I agree. I am caught off-guard how good the game is. Hopefully the game picks up the new users when the reduced pricing.
I am not sure how a racer cannot be repetitive. At the end of the day, you are racing.
They can start by creating an actual app instead of an HTML wrapper. Even phone apps stopped using this eons ago. Look how far Origin has come.
Definitely an improvement. However I feel like the entire Steam HTML wrapper is ancient. It needs to be a true app, look at how far Origin has come.