How does it improve gameplay?
How does it improve gameplay?
Why even suggest something which is not even possible. Pirates will always pirate games, why?, because they can. They will not stop simply because we ‘suggest’ them not to.
Huge fan of RDR, my favorite game of all time! But its a shame I won’t be able to play it next year as I game on PC. Also buying an entire console for just 1 game seems like a real waste. Hopefully they will make a PC version sometime after the console release, just hope the wait isn’t as long as what it took for GTA…
The game is stupidly fun. After Wolfenstein : New Order, DOOM, we have this and then Dishonored 2. Finally, the single player FPS genre is Great Again.
Problem with No man’s sky is false messaging. This game is pretty clear for what it is and what it eventually become.
Never expect Bethesda to go back to their old games and fix the many problems. Luckily we have the modders to thank for their unofficial patches.
The entire presentation was not focused on the delay. They did show a ton of great stuff they worked on. Somehow it gone unnoticed for some reason lol
The game is more optimized than a lot of the PC only games. If you play with the controller, for a game like this you can get away with 30fps locked. So 4K/30 is very easily achieved on something like the 970.
Last thing the adoption needs is having a different VR headset for different games.
Not sure Rocksteady (or the 12 person outsourced team) have the guts to bring a Batman game to the PC again. If they plan to repeat the past, better just not bring it.
Because they are not a publisher, they have no investor? How hard is it to understand
I had similar problems when I started playing her. I played her as a front attacker which didn’t work at all. Then I changed my view on her. I am just gonna harass people with her, zipping, flanking, spraying. They will get irritated, and this also make them vulnerable for others. When you manage to isolate one of…
Yep, harder heros have more benefits if you can master them. On the flipside, the line between success and utter *** is very thin for the likes of Tracer, Hanzo, Genji.
I get 25 kills on average as Tracer. It is pretty doable as long as you know how to pick your battles, when to retreat, when to chase and attack and finally map knowledge.
It is not just steam though, have you looked at PSN recently? They have the same problem, incurred, but in a lesser scale obviously. Look at kinda funny having the same issue to complain about. Curation is nice, but I really don’t think any company is large enough to curate everything
Miyazaki and Kojima should just make a new together.
Running 4K at avg 100fps on my 970. My issue is it is not playable with mouse and it is hardly a remaster. They should have ported the game on to Unreal Engine 4 with original assets, not downsized ps3/360 ones.
Really sad. He was as iconic as a Blizzard character. Good luck
The delay has probably have to do with bringing up the game to meet some of the requirements for the PS Pro
This is only because Sony cares about the gamers.