I started with the highest difficulty they allowed you on first playthough, it was really fun. I was constantly jumping, gliding, shooting, swapping guns, equipementents,
I started with the highest difficulty they allowed you on first playthough, it was really fun. I was constantly jumping, gliding, shooting, swapping guns, equipementents,
I think they pulled it off really classy way.
What the hell is Oculus doing? This is PC, walled-off approach is a quick suicide not just for them, but for HMDs in general. This is a very delicate time to pull shenanigans like this, if ever. Locking down games to hardware is like like locking down games to specific monitor brands. Disgusting.
I was so so glad they I read the word ‘season’.
Unreal Engine 4 I suppose?
You can even find the arrow Genji deflects on this map in the game. HYPE HYPE!!!
So Namco Bandai representative said this nonsense, hardly surprising, hope From steps in.
As a SC backer, I can totally understand the current state and what the future might hold for this game. The game looks amazing, and damn...thats the best forest I’ve seen in videogame.
With Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm and now Overwatch...Blizzard have a death grip on me.
There should be a minimum character limit and a level of moderation.
It’s been such a long time that I had almost forgot what a perfect trailer should look like until this came along. This is how you make a trailer. It manages to tell the story, sets the tone of the world, characters, plot and finally various avenues of gameplay.
Happens all the time with these retailers. This is absolutely unfair for everyone else legitimately waiting for the game.
Devs are happy on consoles due to locked hardware. This means twice the headache. There is no longer a single target machine specs. In fact, this is the only reason consoles get better optimized games than PC.
I finished DS 3 already on PC. Also the PC version is the superior version thanks to stable frame rate. Stop spreading lies.
I am not sure if the developers will be happy with this.
She looks exactly like Yennefer from Witcher 3...what...sorcery is this.. :D
This actually is making me want to buy this game...
Now that makes more sense. Video playback for 4K isn’t that tough at all, because there is a dedicated chip which handles the decoding. Like Nvidia Shield, a $200 machine, can do it easily thanks to the hardware decoder.
CPU tells the GPU what to do. Instructions passess through CPU to the GPU. The API calls are done by the CPU so...yeah, CPU matters A LOT here.