
Umm...first try to hit 1080p/60 and then maybe we can talk about 4K? That’s a million miles away from where things stand. Also reaching 4K/30 is 4 times...but reaching 4K/60 (which not even the beast SLI missions can pull off properly) will need 6 times the rendering power. This rumor is absolutely absurd.

A saw something similar a year ago. It was in a FPS shooter of sorts.

Wish it was there from day one. I am almost done exploring pretty much all the nook and cranny in Fallout 4.

I stopped valuing games based on length and instead rate in terms of quality of the experience. If those 3 hours were well spent, than 18$ was well spent.

The twitter account is essentially true to it!

Kingston Hyper X.

Kingston Hyper X.

Shadowrun, gearing up for XCOM 2 and of course, Star Citizen.

The depth and hidden messages keeps me bringing me back to the series again and again. There is always something which you have missed which is later revealed on a subsequent playthrough.

I have no problems with PC ports as long as they are handled with love and care like Enix have been doing for the past couple of years.

You guys ditched Youtube player?

$40 is too much for me, I’ll wait until it is $20.

Good! I hate cheaters runing multiplayer games. GTA Online would have been so much fun if the hackers didn’t ruin it.

This adds to more confusion. How much are each of the episodes and how many of them are there?

This is a good move.

Graphics are inconsistent. Some areas feature high resolution models, textures, dynamic lighting effects to spruce up the atmosphere; while others are simply bland with low res textures, object models and missing lighting. The Creation Engine uses the guts of an ancient Oblivion engine, and it is about time they throw

The most impressive part is, it looks very organic instead of structured like most games tend to.

No MGS V? I thought the soundtrack, both original and licensed, where phenomenal.

D-Dog by a mile. With Dog meat being 2nd also being the best companion in Fallout.

I agree completely with the list. At first I thought FO3 was better than NV, having completed all the quests...NV is infinitely better.

Not gonna happen when they have all the games and still have the most complete ecosystem on the PC.