
You thought wrong - He was asking why that’s an issue, instead of an intended result.

Someone’s lying to you about the definition of lucrative.

This is Deadspin.. Why haven’t you guys got the copy of the cell phone video that exists of the incident...? That’s all we want to see.

Except it wasn’t.

Yeah, as a Rams fan... we’ve almost reached the point where I consider one of our best chances to reach that ever desirable 8th win of the season is against the Seahawks.

Isn’t attempting to do something other than football, getting on with the rest of your life?

Uhhh.. they were playing the Reds. No one wants those tickets. Kid probably isn’t that well off.

Just curious - You writing this article is, in itself, a poor reflection on Steph Curry and his family. You present it as its not, but obviously he’d prefer to not talk about his wife before Game 7.. So isn’t SAS right, really?

Don’t you just have a false expectation of number of double plays? Isn’t it more accurate to suggest that maybe you shouldn’t be attempting to turn 2, if you can’t reach the base in time? The neighborhood play enabled double plays that weren’t possible, to be made.

Are we even sure Dalton is better then AJ McCarron? I think they’re better with AJ, they run the ball more which is what they’re good at.

Yeah, that's just not true.

LOL - No, he didn’t. He got a bad guy in trouble, he didn’t enact social change lol.

I can’t get over someone reasonably intelligent thinking that LeBron can actually enact change, when an entire school of children being massacred failed to matter at all.

Is it so hard to fathom that maybe the jury didn’t think he was guilty of any crime?

Correct - Forcing a team to root that one of its best two or three players converts their contract into a 3 year deal, and forces them to sign them to a much worse deal an older age, isn't a team friendly thing.

I think Tim runs the twitter account, because this is fucking ridiculous trolling. Heyward is obviously opting out.

The trolling of St. Louis is real. Maybe he left because Chicago was willing to essentially sign him to a front-loaded 3 year contract?? I can only imagine what Twitter would be like if every fanbase had a twitter account to aggregate the lowest common denominator’s reaction about moves.

The car episode was phenomenal

I think Pollock is the scariest thing, if you’re predicting a downturn. Peralta too, I agree. I think their offense will be OK. I doubt they are 2nd in the NL again. Lamb getting better might help make up some difference.

I don’t see why you should just expect a gigantic downturn in offensive production from last year?