My apologies sir. I honestly didn't even know he made lists like that.
My apologies sir. I honestly didn't even know he made lists like that.
I agree, this was super confusing and a bit disingenuous. Kiper's job isn't to predict who the best players in the league will be, as this chart is showing. His job is to predict who will be drafted at which position. That would be a more interesting infographic.
Dear god...Tim please please please do a video that collects all the times that ESPN (specifically Schefter) has mentioned that jackass Manti Te'o's name on their broadcast tonight. It has to be at least 40-60 times.
Watch the very end of the video. I don't think he ever stepped on home plate despite slowly walking the last 5 paces. Manny is just the freaking greatest.
But his parents say it's all a conspiracy, you guys! Clearly these are Photoshopped!
My asshole Facebook friend decided to post it for the world to see. That was pleasant.
My buddy lives down the street from their house and is evacuated. He said the freaking car has been sitting in front of their house the entire time. Brilliant!
Man I truly hope you snapped a photo of something that can help the FBI. To get a picture less than a minute from the blast, there have to be some clues there that I can't notice. What a story. Glad you're safe.
I was at the Red Sox game and stopped at the exact spot of the explosion to meet my boss to grab the tickets this morning, just a few hours before the blast. My boss stayed there and had to tourniquet someone before he was pushed away. I'm pretty fucking shaken of what could've been...
Oh my God, I know. I literally turned off the game for that exact reason. Singing "Macho Man" every time Manny Machado was up was super creative and intimidating, broskies!
It's under state nicknames, off the self-referential branch
So overall, there has been no real change to the school's budget or revenue. This is worthy of a post?
I was wondering the exact same thing. Seems incredibly random.
"The critical role of our football program is clear: it is of vital importance to the entire community: Our students, our fans and alumni worldwide and the state of Louisiana. Simply put, success in LSU football is essential for the success of Louisiana State University." - Mark Emmert, LSU chancellor
No one is talking about the best part of that video! The Harvard dude with the ball at the buzzer got so excited he spiked the ball RIGHT INTO HIS JUNK! Looks like he then doubled over in pain before the camera cut. Watch it again!
Why yes, let me click on 65 fucking bubbles that seem to randomly come and go depending on how I hover over the image. Or scroll through 65 comments (2 at a time, of course!) that are in some haphazardly-organized structure. This is less readable than War and Peace.
THANK YOU. This was such an amazing game but the last few minutes of the game lasted absolutely forever, and it was so unnecessary. Besides this review, they had another one on a Pierce 3-pointer that they looked at 100 times, and I think there was another one too? It was ridiculous.
Amen. What a world we live in. Sleep tight!
+1. Two freaking comments per page? Really??
He was definitely in town because he was at the Celtics game last night. Though he left with like 3 minutes to go and missed the great finish and overtime, that silly goose.