
Well after that unbelievably shameful flop, cross Spain off the list of teams I want to see win it all. Just an embarrassing play.

The most stunning part about the team payroll article is realizing that Ben Wallace was the highest paid player on the Cavs in 2009. How'd that work out?

You went from pasty to a brutal sunburn to pasty in the span of 5 days? Do you have some sort of white boy superpowers?

One of the pictures shows that they have a plaque for a 17-17 tie against PSU. Not only that, it was a "neutral" site in...Jacksonville.

That's quite a soggy sausage fest

@SEDonaldson: Yes, how dare Deadspin violate you by forcing you to sign your other post with your real first name!

Is that a Westside sign? The west side of what? #mlb

@cromartie: True story actually (the HS part). Well, except he didn't transfer, he was just kicked out of Parkland for a year for it and then magically came back.

What would you know about PRESSURE?!?!?

So I finally just cast my vote for Buzz, and the current tally is Buzz 4607, EA 4606. Holy hell. Keep voting!

Final line on Duke's only QB of the game:

@JamesWest: No, because I don't wanna friggin rematch with OSU, that would be sooo lame. It's a lose-lose situation for PSU. I'd much rather play USC

Con-Air, Twister, and Air Force One back to back on TNT?

I checked his site at least 10 times a day over the last few weeks, he is a stat geek's dream come true. And I still don't know what half the charts on 538 meant.

So the girls' Halloween costumes apparently were "girls in sweatpants and hoodies"? What creativity of everyone involved!

I've got my Ed Hochuli outfit (full referee gear, flag, whistle, and giant muscle arms) primed and ready for tonight. I look forward to making terrible calls all throughout the party.

@TigerWoodsHole: I thought he said something like "What the hell, oh my god!"

That riot video is tremendous, makes me proud of alma mater. Those poor guys getting pepper sprayed like 3 straight times must have felt awesome this morning.

I'd like to see a study done on the accuracy of kickers after being "frozen". It has to be nearly 100%. That is the absolute worst trend in NFL coaching, when will they learn??

Lou looked so sad giving that apology