What you missed while attending your first no-hitter...
What you missed while attending your first no-hitter...
The Celtics are trying to lose, right?
@Hustler of Culture: I have 9th row tickets to Game 1 of the Celtics' next round...methinks I may not be going.
@Werewolf Barmitzvah: Oh I just didn't know what you were talking about, I found the article. Not quite the same thing, but yeah I don't think KG would want people to know he screams that to opposing crowds.
@Werewolf Barmitzvah: Memo?
Did anyone read KG's lips on that slo-mo shot of him pounding his chest and looking into the crowd before the break? I feel like I'm pretty good at reading lips, and he said some naughty words I think.
Putting a guy on AG with one leg and a curved titanium one, and then making him climb a HUGE FUCKING CARGO NET...seems a bit unfair.
The new Eliminator is friggin nasty. And there's a ball pit!
So...the new Vertigo game on American Gladiators is a complete bust.
@FEAST: Poop. Didn't see your comment, sir.
"Tebow, who has no surgical training..."
Wilbon just name-dropped Will again, but I have no idea what his point was. Anybody else understand?
@And_You_Shall_Know_Me_By_The_T...-Its: Good I thought I was the only one super confused by that
@HIV 2 Elway: One of those old football Dugout strips they had here involved Najeh Davenport, enough said.
@Fawn Liebowitz: So nice that I left work 2 hours early and went to the driving range.
@Brazil Thrill - Hawks Aficionado: What exactly is going on, um, down there? I'm so confused.
So Bibby says Perk had a worse game than him on Sunday?
@Matt_T: Yeah totally, I mean I'm pretty sure the Celtics are the first team to ever have their attendance increase because of their better record.
@Gordon Bombay: Ha, I win.