good idea - working on adding it to my repository now
good idea - working on adding it to my repository now
This is definitely a programmer solution, but I got frustrated trying to find all the different information I wanted online, dealing with different sources to find different information (such as seasonal snowfall totals and actual textual forecasts), so I actually built my own site for my area.
This just seems off for information technology.
You are completely leaving out several pieces of the leasing equation.
Between tire pressure monitoring sensors and factory big wheel and tire packages, winter tire options are really limited.
I am a big time winter hater and I have never owned a winter driver in the past 14 years without either heated seats or a remote starter. The remote start is great because not only is the car warmed up and the heat is ready to run, but it can have all the snow and ice on the windows melted off.
YES! people think that because they learned how to do things one way, they can ride that wave for their whole career. You not know should expect to have to constantly update your skills (and in a major way every 5 or so years), but you should be passionate about it and legitimately interested in it.
I'm coming into this a bit late, but:
Sure, if you're obvious about it, you probably could get written up. But if you're more subtle, probably not a big deal. At the job I described, I parked in the garage, but in an area that few other cars parked. It was nice to be under cover in bad weather, and I just wanted to be in a remote place where no one was…
I've actually never worked at a a place that would allow year-to-year accrual at all officially. The rule was technically that you used your pto time within the year window described or you forfeited it. A few would let you carry over some time to use in the first few months of the next year but that's it. So I…
Did you get a different pass or have to pay a different amount than the faculty did? My first job was pretty much like what you described, but it was basically honor system in terms of who parked where - we all had the same pass. I parked in the garage, and there was no enforceable way for them to stop me.
"Sick time (some employers categorize vacation and sick time separately while other employers lump it together and call it Paid Time Off or PTO — I think separate is better if you can get it)"
There are people who are die-hard evangelists for just about anything - no matter how ridiculous - in the tech world. People like that just don't seem to realize that every project has different goals, and different technologies and methodologies suit different needs, and needs shift not just project to project, but…
It's hard to write up all the benefits to object orientation in a quick comment. But it's not designed to (just) be a grouping of functions and methods even though many use it that way.
your friend who enjoys lisp is a crazy person ;)
I use VB.NET for many tasks still. Why? Because it's easier for junior developers to write code in, and it's also much more supportable in my opinion, since people doing support work can also essentially be "junior devs" effectively. Of course it's a pain in the ass to port every sample you find online from c# to…
c sharp
because it's an awful language to code in?
I work with coders frequently to this day that don't understand object orientation. Your comment made me cringe a little, but I'm glad you've gotten past it.
I've been coding for about 20 years, and I still have that all the time - it's part of the cycle of learning a new technology. But that struggle makes you understand it more in the end once you finally do. Don't give up.