I want to add a disclaimer to this, since I'm sure quite a few people will read this and decide to try and be a coder because of it, especially looking at the salary ranges.
I want to add a disclaimer to this, since I'm sure quite a few people will read this and decide to try and be a coder because of it, especially looking at the salary ranges.
Generally speaking - yes, a large change in scope should be a renegotiation regardless. But I don't think people realize that if you are incredibly strict about it, this would happen 80+% of the time (which annoys the client). I've been a professional web developer doing this work for 15 years, and at every…
I've done quite a bit of freelance web developer work, and I just want to put an example out there where Bill's quote is better. If you present the client with an ESTIMATE of X hours at $46 an hour and due to a bunch of additions/revisions to the work ,the project triples in scope, Bill can still bill-out $46 an…
I actually just did something like this. We found an 02 durango with 88k miles for $3,500, with a recent inspection. It just had a failed window motor that dropped and broke the window. Otherwise the vehicle is in excellent condition. A couple hundred dollars and a couple of hours of work into that project and we…
I'm a coder, and I've described my job as taking the SAT tests all day to people who aren't technical. You have to give it very in-depth careful attention and you have to think through complex problems and it can be mentally taxing.
At some point though you will have problems costing thousands of dollars to address - roof, electrical, plumbing, hvac, etc. And it's not a matter of if, but rather when.
That depends what you consider a lowball offer. I have a house for sale, which is priced according to comps in the area and has an appraisal done higher than asking price. I've had a ton of lowball offers and this is pretty much how I would handle them.
5% is definitely what I would consider appropriate if there was a contingency on a house sale or a long time until settlement.
I'm surprised the offer doesn't actually discuss the deposit amount that goes with an offer. As someone who has a house on the market now and has had a bunch of offers to consider, the amount of the deposit has been one the primary things that distinguish a throwaway offer from a real one.
After 2 jobs and almost 10 years at soul crushing software development jobs at big corporations, I decided to focus on what I wanted to do and took a pay cut and a big benefit cut to go to a tiny shop doing web development.
Before the update there were about 3000 photos in my Camera Roll. After the update there are 90 photos in my Recently Added. Again, I can see them all if I go over to photos and search through stuff. It's just more cumbersome to get at them, and they don't group well in my opinion.
Straight up missing. No "Camera Roll" option whatsoever. I have Recently Added, Panoramas, Videos and Recently Deleted. If I take a new picture, it lands in Recently Added only.
negative - you go to albums and "camera roll" is missing after the ios8 update
anything about how to get back the camera roll? it's really annoying to have to find pictures by year/place/etc
You can still fit a 4' wide sheet of plywood or drywall sitting flat. I guess if you're hauling crushed stone or dirt or something, but otherwise, what are you really losing? For anyone who would have one of those big toolboxes that bolt in, it's a step up.
I have a 2011 Chevrolet Silverado. It has a 5.3 liter V8 with "active fuel management" which makes it run as a 4 cylinder at lower throttle to save gas. The engine has a pump which keeps the non-firing cylinders filled with compressed air somehow while they're not firing. But apparently this pump malfunctions and…
I question how long you're going to keep your $60,000 a year job depending on your $6000 car as your day to day transportation. Especially living in an area with lots of snow every winter, spending the money and getting a decent vehicle is an absolute requirement.
Glad it's not me in eastern pa for a change. Sure it's 14 out and it's going to get down to 8 tonight, but that seems mild compared to the bitter cold we've have along with high winds and a few more inches of snow every 2-3 days.