It's not a numeric name progression though. There is no correlation whatsoever between "3G" and "4" as a name. 3G is a type of mobile data and 4 was the revision number.
It's not a numeric name progression though. There is no correlation whatsoever between "3G" and "4" as a name. 3G is a type of mobile data and 4 was the revision number.
Why do people keep calling it the iPhone 5?
My parents' biggest problem is their unwillingness to learn. They're both intelligent people capable of many things.
So it is. Guess it's my day to look like an asshole for not reading the post carefully ;) I actually skimmed through it and assumed it was a charger because it didn't even occur to me that someone would make a battery to charge 2 iPads. My iPads' batteries last forever.
[] Or you could get this one for sub $30 shipped instead?
3 years into the fold? The original iPad came out in April 2010 and was the current model less than 18 months ago.
16 months ago if you wanted a brand new iPad, this is what you got. That's pretty shitty of Apple honestly
Exactly. My boss thinks it's weird that I don't have my phone tied into my work email address.
You think they would have learned from the last what 10-15 years of getting beaten down in court over this?
This. His appearance in the comic books as kind of a scumbag both reinforced that he looked somewhat unhinged and that because he looked unhinged, the only way people would respect him would be through pure fear. Making him look kind of like a clean cut politician type completely changes the dynamic of the…
What surprises me so far is that despite Ivy Bridge making its entrance, I have not yet seen any particularly great Sandy Bridge deals. Even the processors are only a few dollars cheaper comparable Sandy Bridge to Ivy Bridge on newegg. What gives there?
Does a syclone have VATS? If so, the person either has or had access to an ignition key to measure the resistance. You could start it without the key checking the 15 resistance values, but the chances of getting the right one without disabling the truck are pretty low. With or without vats, the fact that the…
I have no interest in twitter whatsoever and I never signed up, so I don't mind people who do this one bit.
best reason ever..hahaha
I would love to own one, but in my area (eastern pa), it just doesn't make any sort of sense, especially for someone who is also a car guy.
Related to this story - I would love to see some insight on how to deal with my pre-vacation mind. I took a new job about 2 years ago and wound up with a drastic reduction in vacation. As a result, I'm now past 12 months since I had a full week off and 5 months since even so much as a 4 day weekend.
Your video card probably does not have adequate memory and GPU to support 3 concurrent monitors. Virtually none do, especially on a laptop. Most of the people doing 3 or more monitors are doing so using a desktop computer with multiple video cards.
Even though this is the opposite direction from 3:2 to 16:9, I personally think the new iPhone is going to be 4:3, 4" screen, with a resolution of 1024x768. The phone itself will be about the same height, with the longer screen pushing toward the edges, and a fraction of an inch wider with less area surrounding the…
My brother bought one of them new after getting sick of paying to commute in 4x4 suv's. A couple of years later, he bought another 4x4 SUV ;)
Where have I seen this story before? ;)