
In December 2004, I picked up an 84 GMC 1/2 ton 4x4 pickup truck with a snow plow on it for $900. The truck was a complete turd inside and out, but the plow worked and we had come off a few rough winters and my snowblower was a dying shitpile from the 70's, so I liked the idea of having a plow truck for my property.

that should have said "one unsellable/not valuable car for another one" and they paid to do so

They couldn't have sold it for that. Just because other people have theirs listed online for sale for that amount does not mean they are selling them. They basically traded one uns

Vote: Arvixe

It's been over the course of years, not back to back, so don't be thrown off by that number. I don't know where you live, but I could get a date every day if I wanted to, they would just be with people I'm mostly not interested in.

I've given online dating a legitimate try. I've been on at least 30 first dates from, okcupid, pof, etc. I unfortunately don't meet people in other aspects of life, so I don't have a lot of choice. Virtually all the women I encountered are liars. One of the absolute deal-breakers for me is honesty - and

I just looked up Chaco sandals - $100 and up - wow! $50 - $70 is about my limit.

This one is topical - how about sandal funk? I wear sandals a lot in the summer and I buy stuff that's more plastic/rubber textured, since I need something that can get dirty and I can hose off. I included a picture of something similar to what I'm wearing now.

Once House ends next week, I will no longer be watching a single show on ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, or CW any more. And after all the one or two season cancellation disappointments of the last decade plus, I will never watch a first season show again from any of them until it gets a full second season order at minimum. I

I'd say the lack of mail slot in the front is the dead giveaway

I couldn't help but think of this when I saw your post

Not only this, but may places will bank credit card tips and divide them up equally among employees, not according to who had what tips specifically.

My retina iPad is definitely a massive battery pig compared to my iPad 1. I don't even have a data version, so it's wifi only, and I can easily burn through 15-20% of battery life in an hour. My old one? Maybe 10% in an hour, MAX.

I'm officially pulling the plug on the DC "new 52" comic universe. Maybe I'll give Earth Two a try and I did enjoy Superman Earth One and I'm looking forward to Batman Earth One and Superman Earth One book two.

Except you probably have to pay a lot of money up front for the equipment and the sim card, so for a one time vacation it would be a fortune. And since data technology seems to advance pretty quickly, it's not like you're going to make up for it over a decade of vacations. By that point we'll be on 6g or something.

Are all the prepaid style data plans like this?

I would very much consider a hotspot like this, but the monthly plans are ludicrous! When is mobile data going to start coming down in price? 4g plans especially right now are idiotic. You spend $50 or more for an amount of data you can burn up in an hour or two.

I think we're arguing two different points here. My point was that the thing did pretty well, despite having the cards stacked against it. The car wasn't the issue, the circumstances were.

"They did. It didn't take." I disagree. They didn't even give it a chance. They sold 30,000 of the things in about 1 year and they were highly rated by magazines, despite being rolled out during the death of Pontiac and difficulty getting options pushed out (a lot of people were waiting for manual transmission

Cutting your nails takes maybe 60 seconds every 10-15 days. Filing would have to take at least a minute or two a day I would think