I would like to address a few points there.
I would like to address a few points there.
If you're using pandora (or any music service) 40 hours a week at work, that's not unrealistic.
if you mean for the picture shown, that's obviously a mockup, photoshop, or staged. who would shower on a small pan like that with no sides?
not at all. It's a Planet Fitness location. I've been a member of other gyms (Gold's, Retro Fitness), and I've toured just about every other one in my area, and it's absolutely fine.
my gym is $10 a month. If you value your time as money (as you should), it would be hard to justify more than an hour a month maximum time commitment in exchange for $10.
I'm by no means a hardcore gamer, but the integrated graphics on my sandy bridge core i5 is far more than capable for my needs.
during the eagles training camps in the summer, there are definitely countless millions of dollars of vehicles on campus.
I went to Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, and some of the cars there were pretty outlandish, since there are a lot of rich kids.
This is exactly why my ex-wife is not on my facebook list. I don't know, or want to know, a damned thing about her or her life.
Today I learned that the Windows logo is actually supposed to be the panes of glass of a window. I honestly had no clue, despite using windows on a daily basis for 2 decades.
Not sure if serious...
i feel like this was written by someone conspiring with my employer to justify how little vacation I get each year.
This is interesting to read, since the USA typically does not give out loaner cars while your vehicle is being serviced. Maybe this happens more with luxury brands still, but definitely not on budget brands.
I pay yearly too - I was billed (but quickly credited back) for my March 08 renewal in December 07 instead since they ran bills as though the current date was 12/31/2008 instead of 12/31/2007 like it actually was. Some people may not have even noticed at the time if they didn't look at their credit card for a 24-48…
First off, the article said some version of the Office Suite - there's nothing set in stone saying those couldn't be cloud based realistically. Or ad-based. Or crippled,limited functionality. Microsoft rarely gives away anything good for free.
I just don't see x86 tablets being competitive - in terms of price, battery life, weight, or pretty much anything else that makes a tablet attractive compared to a laptop
I would say no just based on the hardware specs. I don't seem them targeting less than 16Gb of storage space or less than 1Gb of RAM and the fire has half of both of those
hear that sound? it's the sound of any tablet market potential Windows 8 had being flushed down the toilet. the ONLY chance Microsoft has of making a dent in the ludicrous iPad sales is to make it more pc-like and target business users.
Were you around for the credit card billing snafu?
I went through this exact thing with a host called foxlink years ago. They were located in Orlando, FL, and a hurricane went through and took out their data center. I guess they decided this was as good a time as any to pack up shop and close things down.