
I put up a picture of Janet Jackson on my facebook with a RIP Whitney message. How people could see this as anything other than trolling is beyond me. That being said, I got several people, and a few people shared my picture which got several more people

I have my computer hooked up to an HDMI splitter, feeding a 27" planar monitor, a 40" sony LCD, and a 60" sony lcd.

I still do own an IROC camaro. In terms of cheap, readily available, not bad looking, semi-lightweight platforms that can actually turn and you can drop an SBC into, I don't think there's a whole lot better. And with a lot of people going "pro-touring" on older muscle, why not start with something that already has

I wish all the jalop staff, or hell all automotive journalists, felt the same about the camaro. So many camaro articles are tainted with references to mullets and white trash. If you consider the 4th generation camaro still "white trash", the last one of them rolled off the factory assembly line a full decade

There's no audio out on DVI or VGA.

My shopping list is a 14 or 15" laptop with a Sandy Bridge Core i3 or i5 dual core, 4 gigs of RAM, 320 or up hard drive, with a usb3 port and an HDMI out new for under $400. If I find that, I will likely take the plunge. Most are hovering around $450 - $500 still.

This is mine. I don't have my name as the one though - I just put that in there to cover my real name.

looks like it has an aluminum intake manifold, which is not stock. this is more likely the result of someone botching a modification than anything GM could take blame for.

People can't even be bothered to use turn signals, you really think this would get used as intended?

sorry, I love Clint Eastwood and I liked Chrysler's ad last year, but this just sounded like Yoda doing a "force will prevail" voiceover

maybe this one is obvious enough to be a no-brainer, but I set up redirect email addresses for my domains. I use gmail, but you can set it up to both send and receive from another address.

my iphone 4 is supposed to have scratch resistant glass, but I somehow managed to put a deep scratch in it in the first month I had it. It's too deep to buff out or anything too - I tried several different things. my iphone 3g before it supposedly didn't have a scratch resistant screen, but despite not being nice to

I think part of the problem is that "big and tall" are lumped together. I lost over 200 lbs between 2004 and 2006 (gained a substantial amount back unfortunately), and I was basically the same sort of "outcast" trying to find a size "large tall' as I was trying to find a 4XL.

Along these lines, why does no one seem to make a (presentable) dress shirt out of t-shirt type material? I don't like getting dressed up beyond khakis and a polo, not because of the shoes, pants, tie or even jacket - it's the shirt!

"Our next example is a thirtysomething man who is busy advancing his office career. His metabolism isn’t automatically keeping him slim anymore like it did at age 18, and he doesn’t have time to exercise. He has started to gain weight, to the point that his favorite office pants are now getting tight at the waist."

If this was redone as a high quality bumper sticker, I just might put it in the back window of my crew cab.

This was some of the best money I've spent on tools. I found this kit for $199 at Lowes over christmas a couple of years ago. I use these tools constantly and have only expanded from there. I have pretty much the entire line, plus I'm working on the 12v li-ion stuff now too, starting with the multi tool

Don't be that guy. This is the same as the assholes on craigslist who list $10,000 cars as $1. You're breaking a usable search system.

I'll throw a few more things out there.

I had an exact clone of that - a platinum 98 5.9 limited. I loved the thing and it was an awesome vehicle. I remember drooling over them when they first came out while I was in college, and when I saw how cheap they had gotten years later, I jumped in. It was well optioned (for its time), comfy, rode well, a good