
direct from amazon. technically it wasn't shipped at all, but it was an amazon purchase, not another vendor selling through amazon.

Amazon did a very similar thing to me just in the last week. It wasn't Black Friday related, but I ordered a Nintendo DS game on October 25. It showed as "usually ships within 1-3 weeks" at the time, and it was sold by Amazon, not another vendor.

This is spot on. I have a Dell D620 running Snow Leopard, and honestly, it's really not that useful. It can run Xcode and the iOS development tools, which is the primary use, but in terms of other stuff?

I know I built mine, and many people build there's because you can only develop iOS applications on Leopard, Snow Leopard, or Tiger.

that seems to be some form of female logic. rather than date a guy who is already stable, romantic and educated, they'll date a guy like this and try to convert him into stable, romantic and educated. and then complain why they can't meet any nice guys when he takes advantage.

that right there makes this a throwaway situation. if the counter-offer was lower than the original offer at all, there's some grey area, but why wouldn't they just accept his offer if they wanted to sell for 12.5k?

I think the one piece of common sense that isn't on here is to go talk to other neighbors bordering the same loud neighbor about it. If you do need to call the office or worse yet the police, it's good to not just make it a one-person complaint, but instead position the building against the offender. If you're one

am i the only one who is annoyed that the numbers for the beginning of the year add up to 99.5% and the current add up to 98.1%?

texting at stoplights irritates me to no end anymore too.

you touched on some of the most important reasons why I can't believe the auto manufacturers just let that entire demographic completely dry up when the gas prices spiked. If they can make the full sized trucks have similar or better mileage to what all the midsized trucks that came out in the earlier half of last

Sure there would be increased wind resistance, but as I mentioned, with a slippery coupe, it's hardly a significant factor between 55 and 75 for example. With a UPS truck? different story.

The whole concept of a vehicle getting max fuel efficiency at 55-60 and it dropping X % above that is a huge generalization. The same vehicle can be bought with multiple axle ratios, different transmissions, and different engines. In the case of the full sized Chevy Silverado, you can get 3 different transmissions,

I do use my phone, and my iPad that much...and far more....on WiFi.

So I'm taking two things from reading through all these comments.

"blue sky this" it's not used too often, but i've loathed it since day one.

I've made a similar comment before, but unless it's a secondary occasional use tv, or budget dictates all, a 720p tv just flat out isn't worth it. The smaller a tv is, the less viewing distance, so whether it's a 20" tv or a 60" tv, the extra pixels do matter.

I don't really think this is going to help the "asian people can't drive" stereotype much

pretty much says it all. I will add too, this article inspired me to find a Safari Reader like extension for Chrome (iReader). And it doesn't work on Gawker. :(

I can't believe I actually had to scroll down a while to find this. Definitely the answer!

was anyone else thinking Darth Vader when they read the Bane origin stuff. That's pretty weak sauce.