
Granted, the saying goes something like "make something idiot-proof and the world builds a better idiot," but I would think a transparent image heads up display GPS unit would be much safer than a dash top GPS, since it's not obstructing your field of view.

that looks like a factory install. I'm looking for a dashtop unit that can move from car to car like a Garmin or Tom Tom. I know Pioneer is working on, but a company called Springteq in Japan is too

What's that image from? I'm not looking for a factory-installed unit, but something I can take from car to car. I've been reading articles on the SpringTeq WeGo - which doesn't seem to be available for purchase, as well as a Pioneer one coming in 2012 forever already.

I'm still waiting for the heads up display dashtop GPS units I've been hearing about for a few years now. Those are two technologies that would make a LOT of sense to merge

I noticed that as well. How does anyone who is a nerd enough to be riffing about video game based cereals not immediately recognize Lord Vader?

only nintendo....

Step 1. Install Chrome.

I've posted this in a past thread (although I can't find my original comment), but you need to present yourself as a professional. Your uncle Bob or grandmother probably just sees you as a kid who is smart with computers, even if you're in your mid 30's.

navigation was by far the most popular topic in yesterday's question thread. the fact that it's missing here is extremely puzzling.

wow is that a scam? I bought tires from a place that did nitrogen filling and it cost me nothing and I can go in and have them topped off for life. I can't believe someone would have the balls to charge for that

I came in to post this as well, but I'll make a few points you didn't.

Ok, this is supposed to be the ZR1, but looking at the roofline meeting the b-pillar and the rear glass, how are they going to do a targa roof model? If you imagine a cut across where the side window ends, you're going to wind up with a pretty skinny b-pillar that doesn't seem like it would offer much rollover

Or you could learn to do your own brakes? Unless you're driving a supercar, there isn't a vehicle on the road that you can't do brakes on all four corners on for well under $500 in an afternoon with basic tools. People's fear/unwillingness to lift a wrench is hands down the biggest place they're flushing money

The article suggests that it may cost as much as 6 payments to get out of a lease - It could cost a hell of a lot more than that. I sold a car I had leased to a friend and got a pretty big surprise when I realized to buy out the car I needed to pay sales tax on the buyout price to get a title issued to myself, and

To me, as a 20+ year collector it didn't sound appealing, but then I gave it a shot on my iPad, and I would never go back. You don't need to worry about adequate lighting or page turns, or fighting to keep the spine open on graphic novels. You don't need to drive to the store and worry about open hours or deal with

This is a great first step, one that I'm very excited about.

if they were serious about this tax credit driving sales, it would happen on the lot. You're still financing a $40,000 car in the end.

This is kind of a strange assembly of 3 cars is it not?

so, is all light pink on the inside?

i was going to post CTS-V, but this is close enough for me. I want a manual trans sedan. The sad reality is that this is one of the first Cadillacs to ever hold its value, so it's going to be a while until what I'm willing to pay reaches what they're actually going for