
good luck with that one - since there were so few people know they're worth something and the few i've seen for sale are priced double with the GT's are.

Maybe a bit blunt on my part, but if you have ANY balance at 29.9% interest, they can afford to gamble on losing you, based on your desperation and/or bad credit.

You do have a point. As I said, it does at times annoy people. However, you are completely ignoring that fact that many voice messages are "Hey, give me a call." That's a complete waste of MY time.

i don't know if anyone else is like this, but i usually just see someone called and call them back without listening to the voicemail. it occasionally annoys people having to repeat themselves, but the missed call is enough for me to realize that the person wants to talk to me, and if it didn't warrant a call, i

This crap is getting to the point where it could be more economical to just buy everything you need at the destination and throw it all away before departing.

you can still get a memorable english only gmail address - you just have to dig deep to do it.

it's definitely an issue with the 4. I have an iPhone 3g, iPhone 4, and an iPad 1. My home button on the 4 is a complete piece of shit, but the other two are flawless.

or it could be replaced by:

I switched from 2 dvds + (free streaming) to 3 dvd's at a time for $1 more, and I was happy to have the choice, since the 3 dvd plan effectively got cheaper without being forced into the streaming.

I was in the market for a new keyboard, and I bought one of these around 6 months ago. I thought it was a really intelligent idea - i'm not sucking energy off the grid and I don't need to replace batteries in it. i also really like the design of the keyboard- very small and lightweight and still cordless. The

I don't disagree. Their networks obviously couldn't handle every customer pulling bandwidth full throttle constantly. But I really think they're setting the bar pretty damn low, if the amount of bandwidth they expect to be a reasonable amount to use in a given month can be used in 15-20 minutes.

Both are completely unacceptable in my opinion. They will have to pry my grandfathered unlimited plan for my iphone from my cold, dead hands.

my 3g speeds seem to go around 1.5 megabit or so roughly in my area. On a 2 gig plan you could theoretically download 2 gigs in about 3 hours time if you were torrenting or something across your data connection.

my first car was a 1988 camaro sport coupe with a v6 and an auto transmission. it was grossly underpowered, but that actually was a benefit in terms of hoonability. for the 5 years i owned it, i pretty much treated the gas pedal like an on/off switch, foot to the floor constantly. it was set up well to spin the

i was basically going to post some variation of this exactly. well played

We've gotten off on a bit of a tangent no question, but back to the original article and my original opinion — Should a smoker feel guilty about smoking real cigarettes around non smokers when alternatives like the e-cigarette exist, just because the e-cigarette isn't quite as good? In my opinion, yes.

I'm not suggesting cigarette stink is the only bad smell on earth by any means.

I'm sure my 5% is an exaggeration of the true amount of considerable smokers, but 99% sure as hell is too.

"For as much as I should love the Trio for all of its health and cost advantages, I think I'll take my chances with the real thing."

not nearly enough love for the C5 - my personal favorite car with flip ups