
Lovett’s definitely a polarizing taste (on both PSA and his own show.) i love his bitchy angry snark because I’m often the same way, but I totally get why people wouldn’t. He reminds me of a lot of my friends who say shit as a joke that doesn’t play well to a broader audience

And if you read the linked article, the house is blaming the senate and the senate is blaming the house.

You’re good. He already got slapped down for that one. Now he’s just “renegotiating” (read: not doing anything and claiming he fixed it)

Which is why all my friends hate me for singing “born and raised in CAN-A-DA” any time don’t stop believing comes on

It’s also the second thing this week the WH sent out using a flag w/ 39 stars.

Make sure you add pod save the world & Lovett or leave it too. Both are great.


it’s unsurprising that a racist anti-Semite in NYC would think supporting Jewish causes would be good for business.

you won’t be ready

To be fair, the poll itself is stupid. No one wants to tell a stranger they made a mistake and feel stupid.

One of my earliest political memories was Hillary having to make cookies during the 92 campaign to prove she wasn’t an evil feminazi.

Husband got kicked out of bible study because they asked him to draw a “pitcher of Jesus” and he drew a pitcher with a stick figure on it (He honestly couldn’t figure out they meant picture).

is that will forte?

god, the fucking scrambling this weekend when people brought up nate silver’s data on the media’s role in the election & normalizing Trump/demonizing Hillary. They’re so quick to say there’s a lot of variables that led to the loss, and that NONE OF THEM are the media.

imagine if the stupid fucking other GOP candidates had done that.

macron’s not jewish tho.

Now playing

As a Jew who grew up in the (technical) South, I can’t decide which is more satisfying, Spencer getting punched or this dude:

My Uthan friends think it’s this - he wanted to use his fame in congress to get the Governorship, put all his eggs in the basket of being able to investigate Hillary for 4 years and now he’s stuck either investigating his own party and killing his career, or ignoring obvious corruption and killing his career.

you’re trying to tell me o’reilly has a black accountant?

To be honest, the idea of a Ryan presidency makes me think of the “I Know Him” song about Adams from Hamilton.