I grew up in NoVa. My whole lineage is NY Jew. I lived on a street named after confederate generals. The whole thing is absurd.
I grew up in NoVa. My whole lineage is NY Jew. I lived on a street named after confederate generals. The whole thing is absurd.
Why do I feel like his parents pretend he’s dead?
and smug because he knows his stupid ass constituents will still vote for him.
Also the ultra rich silicon valley people have been eyeing new zealand.
It’s so fucking gross. No one is *making* him run for congress.
lol k.
Yes. That was my point.
yeah but wtf would you know about montanan politics? certainly a 24yr old from New York or Philly knows way more than you about it.
dude, it was the hudson, not the east river
alternately, drink gin instead. Today I went with that solution
something about me inspires uber and cab drivers alike to tell me all of their political conspiracy theories and especially what they think of Jews as they drive me to the UWS. soooooooo I take a lot of Via because at least a ride share has witnesses.
I agree, though I do think one of the biggest issues with the current faces of the party is that they’re afraid to own their principles because they might alienate centrists/independents... and/or their donors. That “establishment” group is so uninspiring.
I’ve been trying to provide examples but it’s be difficult to break through with the newer, more energized folks, who have the ideas that can change tactics if they wouldn’t spurn the system when progress doesn’t happen fast enough for them. True progress is an evolution, it takes DECADES, not months or years.
Sounds good to me.
eh, both sides are being dicks.
I know SMS worked for GOTV back with OFA in 2008/20012, have people gotten immune to it?
Yeah, not that. It’s just letting independent parties cross-nominate. There’s a lot of question about whether the national parties actually pay attn to which party people are voting, but our state at least allows for “protest votes” that don’t also help the republicans. (e.g. I voted for Hills on the “Working…
Hanlon’s Razor.
2 YEARS from Watergate break in to Nixon Resignation. I’m not going to live that long.
Everything they did makes it so clear to me they didn’t want to win and didn’t think they would win. The lack of vetting of *anyone* smacks of “we wanted to make money off of the campaign, and then lose so no one would dig into where it went”