Guys I’m starting to be convinced Devin Nunes is actually an extra who stumbled off of the set of Veep.
my fucking brother in law (in MI) didn’t vote because he’s above the partisan fighting. I didn’t speak to him for *months*.
until progressives actually vote consistently in off year elections and especially LOCAL AND STATE elections, the national candidate isn’t ever going to be a socialist. It’s immature and silly to expect otherwise.
IDK ask Susan Sarandon. Then drink heavily.
some dipshit on MSNBC today was pushing this perspective and I wanted to go down to the set and spit at him.
If I actually bought into the stupid Alpha/Beta redpiller bullshit, it’s so amazingly apparent he’s the king of the beta males.
not to mention his heroes are the smuggest smugs to ever smug... and would have been fired for sexual harrassment about once a week.
citizenry *are* the shareholders. and that they don’t *get* that means they’re bad at business and governing.
we’re not customers. we’re shareholders.
Some day I’ll run for congress on the platform of bringing tax rates back to the Reagan era...
fucking ronald reagan sounds like a socialist compared to today’s gop
“Cool Girl finds out she *is* just like all other girls”
I like how you didn’t even bother mentioning stone. that whackjob is too far gone.
and worse, when the stupid house freedom caucus caves and votes for it, it’ll be seen as a “brilliant negotiating strategy” and not the toddler throwing a tantrum it is.
the question is which is worse: giving up completely or passing obamacare lite and blaming Trump?
I don’t trust it. republicans are craven enough to cave to Trump on this. and it’ll be seen as a brilliant negotiating tactic, not a tantrum from a bored toddler.
don’t count your chickens guys, the republicans are craven enough to cave to Trump on this. and it’ll be seen as a brilliant negotiating tactic, not a tantrum from a bored toddler.
yes. But also, fundamentally, a representative democracy designed for 13 states across a compact area may not be perfectly suited to govern 300 million people spread across millions of square miles of a continent with wide range of economic, social & political priorities.