O noes now her careerz iz ovur!
O noes now her careerz iz ovur!
It seems to me like you have empathy issues. Maybe that is not your fault, maybe you are diagnosable. I don't know you well enough to say. I hope you take my words to heart though, it really will help you avoid these situations in the future. Good luck.
"You didn't make it so unequivocal before, last time it was just "out of a coffee shop into an empty parking lot" I had no idea that was over 8 blocks and I presume the other coffee shop was somewhere adjacent to the parking lot."
If a woman tells you she was followed and made to feel afraid, it is your job to believe…
Are you questioning whether I interpreted correctly his aggressive coercion and then following me 8 blocks through back streets until I ducked into another coffee shop? Yes he actually followed me. Don't call my experience in to question, I have had 25 years to learn what it feels like to be purposely intimidated by a…
Call me when you've been followed 10 feet behind you out of a coffee shop into an empty parking lot by a man you've clearly rejected. You have nothing to contribute to this conversation until you can understand that a "hard no" can put you in a dangerous situation at any time, and that it is impossible to predict when…
Truth. Regular folks are 8 heads tall but fashion illustrations are 10 or 11. This is an industry standard.
This is awful but BEST GIF IS BEST GIF.
Ahaha, no kidding! I was just thinking how weird it's going to be to be a teenager with Beyonce as her mother. She's going to look like Jay and she's gunna be walking around with Beyonce. I was an awkward 15 yr old with a MILF of a mom and I am seeing B.I. experiencing the same kind of trauma at that age haha. Of…
Some personal colour philosophy:
Black can be boring and too often lacks personality. New York is considered cold for a reason. The only saving feature of black as a colour choice is that it allows for a huge range of textures to mix seamlessly in one outfit if you go monochrome (the leather and lace thing thats…
Well, he recorded some videos as PaTrick ChaN, too, so you could probably send him this if he wants to check the quality:
I think they said their average demographic is 15 year old girls according to a recent poll they did.
I cannot agree more. The fact that Lindy skipped over the vlogbrothers is just...well, she never claimed to be an expert I guess. Their community is so loving and intelligent and above all interested. I would probably make my kids watch their stuff if I had kids. If I had had the Green bros around as role models when…
Do you know Peter Chao well enough to tell him that I have a friend who used to do his university bird courses impersonating him for the whole semester but he called himself PaTrick ChaN? He would answer questions in class as PaTrick ChaN and write his papers as PaTrick ChaN and just in general behave as PaTrick ChaN…
When I went to New Orleans there were fliers all along the street I was staying on with a picture of a man on it and written underneath in sharpie was "THIS MAN HAS HIV". True or not, it was kind of horrifying. I couldn't imagine a positive arc to that story.
At least it's not eating in your bed. Frown of shaaaaaame!
Greetings fellow sushi-cat!
Yeah srsly where is it!?
Good thing no one asked you. If you can't understand why a much bigger and much stronger stranger approaching you leacherously could feel like a safety hazard, you are delusional.
I'm on omegle trying to talk to people instead of at a real party to which i was invited, what is wrong with me? Right now I am trying to convince a 13 year old girl to not be on omegle ever again. SATURDAY NIGHT, EVERYONE.