
Not sure where you get the authority to define "artist" so I am going to respectfully disagree, but I think you're right about the weird obsession with celebrities here. To me Beyonce is an aspirational figure, like Jesus. WhatWouldBeyDo, knowmsayn? The poise and class radiating off her is intense.

I remember how hard it was to find the music video for sugar water back in the days before youtube. It would be up one day and gone the next! How things have changed :)

You know my love is sweet!



That is unbelievably refreshing to hear. I can't even elaborate I am just blown over by it. An atheist recognizing even religiously-motivated good works as good is just...well, it's nice to see!

Missionary with knees up, steamy!

Actually had to debate whether to recommend because you'd scored a perfect 100 by the time I cam along. Someone's slammin!

Not even a positive word? I know the world don't care what I think but it is difficult to express how much I love this woman.

Lucky I already have a Colour of my Life. Everyone who knows me knows my colour because a large percentage of things I own are in tones of it, it's actually a joke by now. Hey, if someone can love pink so much that their phone case, rubber key things, rain boots, sunglasses, nail polish, and favourite dress are all

Or socio-economic, for that matter.

This would be cuter if I wasn't currently silently battling a mouse living in my ceiling. SKITTER SKITTER MAKIN ME CRAZY.

...but they're adorable together! He looks fresh as fuck. Haters gon, u know.

Who is making these Ask A Slave gifs? So good.

I. Fucking. Love. This.

Thanks for the link! I'm already learning a ton, though a lot of her articles are focused around women who want to be engaged in a serious relationship but are meeting people who aren't willing to give them what they need. That is something I have experience with (unfortunately, ugh), and I can muster enough pride and

Huh, this is actually new advice for me. I'd never really thought of him as running hot and cold, just that he's confused and/or too dumb to know what's good for him. This is advice I would give myself if I weren't me, it makes sense to me. My thoughts are nomming hard on this food right now.

Do you have any advice on

There is nothing wrong with you, love. You are in a shitty situation and the only thing that will fix it is time. Soon you'll be in a new environment and things will be different, which will help. My thoughts are with you <3

Have you ever wanted someone but not known what you wanted from them? I'm still into my summer fling and see him once every couple of weeks, and though he broke it off months ago because he was "confusing sex with intimacy" (I know that feel breh) I feel like we could still have something. I know we are attracted to