
Hahahahahahaha sorry friend

You could argue that broadening its definition does a disservice to those who do. Out of curiosity and with an open mind, what human abuses do you define as slavery that are unrelated to the concept of ownership as I originally put it? Just so I know where you're coming from.

It's a simple way of making the harsh reality of actual slavery hit home to people who insist on comparing other things to slavery (eg marriage, drafting, internship). Yes it is reductionist (which I concede can be harmful), but it's an angle that many people just haven't heard, and there are people out there who are

I once heard someone say that the defining line between slavery and abuse is ownership. Ask yourself the question "can they claim ownership over and sell myself and my children?" If the answer is no, you are not technically a slave. Slavery is a very specific act of violence that makes people into literal chattel, and

I liked it more than the adult version precisely because there was more joy and less mean-spiritedness to it. So nice :)

Now playing

Have you seen Kids React? Troy's been on there for ages and he's very likeable :)

She actually lost, but the winning and losing is not really central to the issue. You last point is an important one. A great lady once said, "no one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

Yeah and I think they had diary cams too? Judging by all the nighttime confessionals.

Been saving up for it for the past year or so! You better believe the minute I get a job offer I am THERE.

I've got blinky-tears too!

As someone who nearly flunked out in her first year from the pressure of studying full time and working as a hostess by morning and barmaid by night, I cannot BELIEVE there was a time when I thought I could do that for 4 years. Wound up taking an extra year so that I could study part time and work to afford my

Those people fucking suck. I'm not sure they realize that some students have to go part time to work jobs to support their own education or to support families, or need to take time to deal with mental health, or family problems, or natural disasters, or a HOST of other issues that can halt a person's life. None of

Sometimes I feel like maybe they just forget that PoC can vote at all.

I'm actually from the (second?) most progressive province in Canada, but it doesn't seem like anything can change how things are done in the North. Once you get past a certain latitude it gets too remote for politics to mean very much. I wanna move to SF where the weather is fine and old people have babies too!

Coming from a family where the average age of first conception is 20, I'm the oddball being nearly 24 and not having a single kid or even a marriage to speak of. As annoying as it must be to have the PTA interrogating you for your youth (sounds like you got your shit together they should lay the f off!), I imagine

As someone who is turning the big 2-4 tomorrow I could NOT agree more. Keep the babbys away from me.

How am I supposed to fit all that extra fabric under my uber-sexy skin tight jeans? PFFT.

I honestly don't feel it. It's not like a wedgie, and it's not pulling up hard or nothin.

Nah, Moozoo.

Haha yes, top troll moment. Americans aren't really asked to engage with their colonial history very much, the Native American question isn't front and centre in discussions about race-relations there. In fact you could go so far as to say that Native Americans are treated as invisible and extinct in the USA. So it