
Just use a pinch of salt and massage it into the leaves and it breaks down the toughness letting all the liquidy goodness out. That's really all you need to do!

Also kale in smoothies = OMG U DON'T EVEN KNO

Totally something my grandmother woulda done to me, she loved to terrorize me haha. She'd play catch with me and only pretend to throw the ball, or lurk in doorways and stick her foot out while I was walking down the hall and say "have a nice trip see you next fall!" Come to think of it she's a bit of a nutjob!!

Obviously these kids never watched The Magic School Bus. Keesha Franklin is the raddest!

I haven't really had to make that decision before but I don't think I'd eat anything smaller than a raccoon which I'm guessing would be completely destroyed by the impact. No reason not to eat roadkill deer if it's fresh and legal. Is it legal?

Good people brake for squirrels whether they are hunters or not. Roadkill is the definition of wasteful and disrespectful killing of animals, whereas hunting when done ethically is pretty much the exact opposite. Eating an animal is one of the very VERY few good reasons to kill an animal.

Now playing

I watched an episode of Oprah's Life Lessons once featuring Iyanla Vanzant where she outlined the ways in which women neglect each other and why we do it. I found her argument for why we are aggressively competitive to the direct detriment of other women very compelling. It went something along the lines of, when an

I definitely agree that it should have been a more private matter. As far as I know her employer didn't really have any control over the online backlash, and if she was a good worker I'm sure they're shaking their heads right now knowing that even their good reference can't help much in her job search if potential

I think by this point you've had enough responses reminding you that she wore this to work, but I haven't seen you reply to that point, so I'll add my voice to it:

If you go to work and endanger the emotional health of everyone you are working with by wearing a costume that represents an extremely traumatic experience

I just made this OH GOD OH GOD I WILL NEVER EAT AGAIN nothing in my life will ever be as hot as this dressing was maybe I should develop a cocaine addiction to cope. Seriously though this was a revelation.


I wish I could remember the names of the authors I read in my late teens that caused me to totally avoid any kind of gender studies in University. It took me YEARS to slowly get back into it, and since on top of all that I just couldn't stand how the few men brave enough to attend gender studies classes I sat

Did you also mean "pope"? Cause I am down to help make "pope" a thing if it is not yet a thing.

She is the queen of DGAF. Here is a carefully curated shortlist of gifs to prove it.

I came here to post the same thing. Only my bamboo spatula has to have a totally squared top with a slight angle to it, like so:

I have this exact dress with slight differences (red, 3/4 sleeves, hem just below the knee). It's DIVINE

PLEASE SAUCE THAT COAT! Tho I bet it's hella pricey I still wanna look at it and put it in my basket and pretend I can has it.

As women we have all been there. This is one of the most sympathetic moments in the whole show and BONUS also fucking glam.

I was a Fancy Fennec Fox, but this is the only photo record of it, and I am also wearing the head part of my friend's costume (full body leopard suit made of warm and comfy pj material mmmmm).

Would any of y'all read an article about working for a direct-mail advertising company that sells stuff like this? I've been doing this for a year and a half to pay off my massive school loans and I feel like I need to exposé the shit out of this company.

Don't feed the troll.