I agree. I would love to buy a new TTRS if they made one with a manual. Or a Supra for that matter.
I agree. I would love to buy a new TTRS if they made one with a manual. Or a Supra for that matter.
People not buying new sports cars which don’t have manuals isn’t an insignificant issue. If you were in the market for a Porsche you would know this.
“I don’t think that’s true.”
Christmas is just around the corner. I found your perfect gift.
You kind of DO need to buy lower standard stuff if you buy new now.
You misunderstand what I’m saying. I’m saying that older cars have the features buyers are looking for, so they are buying older cars instead of new ones. And you can’t put off a purchase, if you need transportation now. That logic doesn’t fly.
There are a lot of people who see the upcoming future of electric vehicle inevitability, hybrids, and smaller engines, and instead of buying into that, opting for older cars with bigger engines.
I don’t think that’s true.
I read that like a needy girl asking a potential date, and almost fell out of my chair. LMAO...
I don’t think the spike in valuation of the used car market is strictly due to new car supply being insufficient to meet demand. I think a part of that, is that the car buying public doesn’t like the palette of new cars from which to choose. They don’t want a lot of the crap that manufacturers are putting on new…
The only people who couldn’t use batteries, are those who camp in the hot desert, and use air conditioning a lot. Which, to be fair, covers many recreational use cases in California.
The legislation is poorly constructed.
If the legislation actually did what is intended, and pushed natural areas to be cleaner and quieter, that would be one thing. But it’s not going to actually fix the problem. It’s purely feel-good.
Just stay in a hotel or motel
I think a trailer with solar integrated into the roof and modern lithium-based batteries integrated into the floor would do the trick for most people. And maybe have a small wind turbine as an option:
It’s not boneheaded because you don’t understand.
OK, so here’s a question for you then. If you go camping with your F150 hybrid with the 7.2 kW built in generator, does that count too?
Am I the only person that though of 26hp Leaf Blowers and Weed wackers LOL. Clarkson would approve!
Those ‘atmospheric river’ things are like Mother Nature giving us a backhand for not paying attention when she said to knock it off.
This was one of the best episodes of Top Gear. What could go wrong?