Only the manual ones are worth restoring. But those are classics.
Only the manual ones are worth restoring. But those are classics.
You’re right.
It is a characteristic of the electric fanboi to pretend not to understand, and then reply with some tangential factoid which doesn’t really have bearing on the original question.
Watch what happens. They’ll come back with more stupid. Just wait.
I don’t see how any of your logic fits together in any way.
Did you see the moron fanboys rush in to defend their stupidity?
Well, if the contracts are being canceled because of the fear of lawsuits associated with this tainted company, then it isn’t actually capitalism that is fixing the problem, but that Knasty ol’ Socialism Gubbermint what is doing the killing.
Both the ticket and the accident were clearly the result of karma.
I have seen a lot of shit.
Good luck with your goal. There is much to learn and do there.
It would have been fine without that last couple paragraphs. But Reagan, true to form, could never let an occasion pass without trying to use it to his political advantage. Even while standing by the hallowed graves in Arlington, on Memorial Day. The guy was a creep.
Celebrating this Reagan speech isn't rational. It's delusional. It's a speech glorifying war, on a day which we set aside to remember those who died in them. It's celebrating the mechanism of their demise. Hell, the whole reason Reagan did that speech, was to sell the country on a huge increase in defense…
Yes, we probably do agree on many things. That doesn't change the awful things Reagan is responsible for. On this Memorial Day, as a veteran, I would rather see a quote from any other president than your man Ron. Anybody. Even Grover Cleveland:
Too many people think Reagan is a hero. He is not. He is responsible for more problems in America than most people realize.
Fuck this man with a stick.
Motor Trend's Jonny Lieberman, the primary source of most important automotive news these days, has one more magic…