The Ultimate Tea Cup

After various researching and consideration, I went with the Galaxy S II Skyrocket - I decided to stick with physical books for a while longer, so did not have much need for a 'phablet' (as much as I like the concept). I've only had the phone for a couple of days now, but the form-factor takes a little getting used

I remember that from the news when I was a kid. The image of the mice flowing over the door sill like a liquid is horrendous. I shivered when the woman seemingly calmly wades in to the building.

Now playing

If you're going to mention Intergalactic, you must mention the original version which was chock full of SF references.

What's the difference?

Thanks for the extra info - I guess it comes down to whether I need a tablet or not, and I think (for now) I don't because I don't want to move from paper books to eBooks and prefer watching video on actual TVs.

"Luckily, his heart and brain were not affected by the lightning, said the doctors."

1990s or 1890s? Important distinction there, although perhaps not for residents of Portland.

Dammit, I've got my clock radio from Sharper Image now, so why do you hide that all important third step from us?

I've been thinking about finally getting a smartphone (I know, I'm way behind the times) and the Galaxy Note is very tempting as it is a compromise between a smartphone and a tablet - both of which I am interested in getting, but I don't want to have two devices.

Thanks for provide an informative comment based on actual knowledge and experience.

Replying to promote - this is sort of the problem I had with the article. It appears as if the writer is not familiar with the subject, but felt that because they knew science they could just use logic and maths to work out conclusions.

Perhaps "Deep Space Nyan", then?

Damn, I didn't notice the Enterprise at the top. That makes it even better.

That is terrific. What did you call it, "Deep Spayed Nine"?

True that. In Australia we don't have any large carnivorous animals - aside from dingoes and feral dogs in some areas - to worry about. Spiders aren't really a worry unless you have a habit of shoving your hand in dark places, and snakes will steer clear of you if you make enough noise, so not much to worry about.

I was about to post the "I don't want to live on this planet anymore" GIF, but then regained hope for humanity when I realized this was in fact an elegant and masterful attempt at trolling.

"defecating with moderate traffic flowing"

CyberTeam D preparing to breach enemy firewall!

In the cake photo his right arm is there, it's just that the entire forearm is encased in some kind of metal cuff that is chained to his body.