The Ultimate Tea Cup
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Needs to be combined with this for completeness.

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You missed this great video of a bride and a groom getting a photo op with the Batmobiles.

You accidentally the.

That was great. Honestly, when he started shoving Chewbacca out of the room I started tearing up a little, but thankfully his delivery of "She was my wife!" and "She's still spitting up furballs!" turns them in to tears of laughter.

Cue dramatic music and then zoom in to President's face: "Build a hotel there, now!"

What you mean is that reported cases are much lower in Japan than in the US, which is not surprising given the strong stigma attached to victims, and how a lot of sexual harassment is not considered a problem.

Now, now, no need to get testy - unless I'm misinterpreting your calling me "dear" which you meant as a term of affection? In which case, right back at ya.

Some of the episodes have already shown clones unhappy with how they are treated as cannon fodder by the Jedi, so I'm really hoping they'll build on that.

Well, he was only on it for one season and left on bad terms (with the BBC initially lying about the reason he left), so I can understand it leaving a bad after-taste and him not wanted to be associated with it anymore.

The last two paragraphs of this article describe the "false reason" they are referring to: []

Your post is pink, and I clicking the promote button doesn't do anything, so I'm replying to promote. Hang on, better write something relevant as well...

Hearted. With extreme prejudice.

Do you have any interviews or other references to back up the claim that Eccleston saw the role as a job? I'm not challenging you on that, just generally interested as recent comments from him would suggest otherwise: []

Captain Jack plus Rory would be the less obvious, and more amusing choice.

I'm of the "New Hope" generation, but don't really hold the same level of hate for Star Wars 1-3 as other people from the this generation. I do agree there is a big generation gap between the 1970s and 2000s Star Wars fans - for example, my teenage daughter really likes Jar-Jar, and just thinks he's funny.

Thanks for your clarification - I recently finished reading "The Silmarillion" and totally get your point about how huge and deep the history of Middle Earth is.

I think the lack of depth to the movies is because they are movies, and it's impossible to convey the depth of Tolkien's world in that medium - unless you want endless narration and characters pausing every five minutes for pure exposition dialog.

Double servings of lambas? The catering truck is run by Hobbits?

Ha! That line is even better when you read it in the stilted Dalek voice.

Yes, I recall that scene, but "Fred cowering in a corner before he died" is not at all an accurate description, IMHO. Fred (or George?) is lying on the ground, with head and shoulders propped up against a wall. He obviously has been disarmed and is defeated, but to me he did not look like he was cowering.