The Ultimate Tea Cup

It's been a while since I saw it, so I don't remember the details - I'll have to rewatch it when I get the chance.

Maybe I'm just showing my age here, but the clothing they were wearing did not seem that old fashioned - certainly not *exclusively* from 100 years ago. Also, I'd assume that clothing like that - you know, shirts and stuff like your great-great-grandfather used to wear - would be easier to make, wear, etc.

I think you're posting on the wrong Gawker site...

I remember reading a comment from either the producer or director of Hackers who defended the graphics as being an attempt to visualize what hackers do so that the audience would understand what is going on.

It does make sense - it's the clothing style they are familiar with, and is functionality.

Yes, the perfect disguise! Who would expect a drunk man dressed as a ninja was an actual ninja?

Thank you. I'm glad that there are brave souls like you, willing to go where us lesser mortals fear tread.

I thought it would be funny to reply with a photo of an actor made up to be half-man, half-woman like you often see in movies or TV shows, but luckily realized how dangerous it would be doing a Google image search...

I love how at the 0:58 mark when the Beastmaster is broking free of his bonds and the main bad guy is ordering his men to capture him that there are two guards in the background just standing and pointing like, "I ain't going after him, I'm not that stupid".

Thanks for the mental image that I am not going to be able to get out of my head for a while. AND I'm stuck thinking about the physics of it all - "every action has an equal and opposite reaction"? Would you end up tumbling out of control bouncing off the walls?

I don't agree with Takei's opinion 100%, but Otomo's opinion would only be relevant to whether or not changing the race of the characters affected the story.

I started reading the article and apparently M.A.S.H., "frat-house movies", and TV shows set the standards that we are meant to live our life by. That's about as far as I got before I couldn't read anymore.

I noticed those as well - is this what the commercials mean when they say serving in the military teaches you to be resourceful?

Yeah, there are plenty of TNG and Enterprise reruns, why never TOS, DS9, or Voyager?

Not as good as Serenity, though.

I read that for the first time recently and agree that I would love to see it in TV miniseries format. I'm not sure how the post-apocalypse story would go down now, though.

That movie was surprisingly good.

Looking at picture #2, I did not know Kevin Bacon was in this film.

I stand corrected (twice!)

Tintin has used guns before - at least to my recollection. Although he has never shot anyone he has threatened people with them, so it's not so out of place for me.