The Ultimate Tea Cup

I don't know why, but throughout my life I have seen photos of those jaws - maybe not the exact same ones, but posed in the same way with people standing in them. From books on sharks to museum displays, they almost seem to have haunted my childhood and adolescence. I have seen them so often that they have a strange

No, no. I'm sure grahamillion and others want to make sure Rebecca Black gets a good education, and have been sending letters to Harvard and Stnadford to make sure this happens.

Wait, we're not meant to just click whatever takes our fancy at that point in time?

I'm not entirely sure what the "geek-in-the-closet" plot is, but it looks to me like the real world part is only an intro into the DM sending the guy who was mean to him in to a fantasy world (not necessarily a better plot...)

The sound is out of sync in the second clip.

Sure, it's where you make scarves and socks out of aliens.

Surely whoever made this movie couldn't have been serious?

I also am still waiting patiently for an episode recap of last week's SGU episode.

I assume the plot of the movie revolves around that very point.

Good lord, I actually remember seeing Beastmaster II - I think the evil witch (or whatever she was) had some pretty funny lines.

Hang on, how sure are you about thebromine being able to kill humans? Surely we must be a lot less sensitive than dogs, and it needs to be a pretty significant amount?

In the background of #50 & #51 you can see the tank and the playground it crushes in #46.

AT&T Uverse doesn't have it, either. At least not in the Bay Area.

Her ability is to plant suggestions in people's minds, not wipe them, so basically each time her boyfriend brought up the suggestion she was distracting him, but not removing the information or idea (as JJ explained).

I was thinking it was a few miles from "Kneel Before Zod Park".

Actually, it would appear to be a *robot* feline body-snatcher, which makes much more sense...I think.

Worst. Airport. Ever.

I think it was one of the very early episodes where they came across Amelia herself, and other people who had been abducted by aliens - IIRC, it was the first (and maybe only?) episode where they revealed that the Voyager could actually land on planets.

At least she's only ambiguously nude during transformation and has a complete costume at the end. Think of poor Kekko Kamen who has virtually no costume to speak of - warning, don't Google at work.