
Been reading Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter since the PSN outage... pretty interesting read

the white iphone 4 is a lie

Beat us all to the joke... well done sir

I can only speak for myself but it feels like the league glorifies crosby and doesnt promote any other players like say a Parise. But maybe thats just cause Bettman hates the Devils

finding the answer to what ever question I have at any time of the day...

@Sully Taylor: cheapest plan with the new data plans would be $ 55 a month so itd be $1320 over two years...not including tax

@TheShredder: Check your address book. if you have someone listed as Mr LastName then that might be the reason....

@battra92: they are a gift from the heavens! (seriously though youll either love it or hate it)

@Emeka: at&t and verizon dont require a fee... there is an optional calling feature

@LABurns: Dude Im totally with you. I just meant those two specific conditions are handcuffed by circumstances that may be out of their control.

@a sexy hot dog: Yeah and if you want an iPhone that bad you have to deal with the service that comes with it. Thats called a choice. For instance if I really want NFL Sunday Ticket with Directv I have to deal with the fact that sometimes the weather will knock out my service and the fact that the guide and changing

@a sexy hot dog: No you're not because every major carrier has a thirty day window to try out their coverage. You should have gone to a different carrier that does get service. You showed no logic in the first place by sticking with a carrier that gets no service at one of your prime locations.

Im sorry. I cant really feel bad for this guy. If you knew you would need it for promo or anything else he should have secured it. Why was an ex assistant told to take care of it? If someone says that to me that means throw that in the garbage cause I'm to lazy to do it myself.

Doesnt microsoft crush the computer market because apple wont sell thier product in machines that arent made in apple? havent they been doing that for years and been outsold? so why would that change cause its a cell phone and not a computer?

@nickroc: Yes out of the millions and millions of iphones the majority are electronically stupid. Also people who make blanket generalizations about MILLIONS of people are stupid....

judge not lest ye be judge.... worry about your own shit

@SacredByte: "I have a wide van. Maybe i shouldnt drive down this small country looking narrow "road." I should probably find an alternate route."

Does anyone in this world use common sense anymore? seriously.... and i bet this clown is gonna try and sue the GPS company

@Animal_Chin: No way he copped to it. He just giggles every time she callers her by full name