Actual Cleveland fan. I so hope that isn’t the official logo.
Actual Cleveland fan. I so hope that isn’t the official logo.
“See, I bilt dis liddle wagen.”
In my house, I think they’re hated about equally. If my girlfriend finds either one, she immediately asks me to get it out of the house, because she’s just too creeped out to take care of it herself.
It’s no where near as embarrassing as Chief Wahoo was.
Cautiously optimistic about this show. The comics were great, but I’ve been burned by comic adaptations before.
because his comic book girlfriend was in it
Odd choice. I’m currently playing through 2 and completed 1 not too long ago and feel the first stands up really well still.
Dead Space (original) is one of my all time favorite games. First game I ever got 100% achievements for. I actually just went back to it recently and it still holds up well. It's shocking to me that they would go reboot rather than sequel or even a prequel.
It would be one thing if it was moving to f2p. But having a $70 MP only game with paid battle passes and microtransactions is just plain bad, I’m sorry. Everyone saying that the single player campaign won’t be missed is just helping them justify this BS.
Probably for the best. The game looks really cool, so I think the more time they take to make it good is fine with me.
It took me over a year to finish RDR2 because of how annoying I found those mechanics.
Then in Origins and Odyssey you were able to swap out your horses/camels on the inventory screen but now in Valhalla you have to go to the stables to swap your horse/bird.
Honestly, I want all of the mythical crap in my Assassin’s Creed. When I was in Paris or Rome or the Caribbean, I didn’t care. But when they decided to put me in Ancient Egypt and Greece and have people just CONSTANTLY talking about the gods, I want to see gods. I don’t want to go to Ancient Greece and only hear about…
I don’t understand your reaction to this optional feature.
I like the cast a lot. I don’t think the games make for good movies but I’m excited to see if they can achieve something better than mediocre.
LOL, if you ever do get the urge to read one again. The Kamala Khan Ms Marvel is a great book :)
Sir, this is an Arby’s.
I mean, Destiny is repetitive gameplay, too. Do you like shooting aliens, because holy shit do you fight a lot of aliens. But Destiny is hugely successful and can be a real blast, even in single-player (sometimes).
What the fuck are you on about? Who are you even attempting to reply to?