
The battle pass is pretty easy to level up too.  You should have enough to buy the battle pass for free, I am only level 80 in it, and I have enough for 2 apex packs on top of the pass.  

That’s a tyfug pill to swallow for the Sens. Perhaps it just a blyfug to get a new contract. Or perhaps induce a trade to Byfugalo? I know the wings are great there. I hear they are the best at Dyfug’s. Ryfug situation all around.

Interstellar was a great movie if you adhere to the principle it is the journey that made the movie, not the whys and hows of the ending.

Is Weird Al on the top of anyone else list of men we hope to hell don’t find out are terrible people?  He is top three with Tom Hanks and Keanu Reeves on mine. 

I was a huge fan of Alan Wake’s setting/atmosphere/etc., but didn’t love the combat. I was an even bigger fan of Quantum Break overall, but the game was relatively short from a gameplay perspective. It sounds like Control is much closer to finding the perfect balance between story and gameplay (and both sound pretty

The All Rudds.

If you’re familiar with its source material, Blair Witch, the upcoming game for PC and consoles, has a lot to live up to.

Yeah the movie was terrible and not even scary in the slightest. I never understood how so many people freaked the eff out.

The Kotaku staff seems to run a bit younger than I, so forgive my assumption, but I’m guessing you were a kid when you saw The Blair Witch Project? Because, while it was certainly influential in the way it spawned a number of “found footage” films and certainly a box office success, I’d argue (as someone who was in

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Don’t forget the always fabulous Jane Lynch!

That movie is why I still want to see them as Blue Beetle and Booster Gold.

I saw it suggested once that if Ryan Reynolds didn’t do it, Sean William Scott would have been a great Deadpool. And now I can’t get it out of my head, he’d be just as smug but more intimidating with a hint of vulnerability. 

Trailer looks decent, although VERY Dexter-ish like you said. Also like you said, Sean William Scott is just ... great. You couldn’t be more right that he’s almost always the best part of whatever he’s in, and I hope I see more of him.

I miss that show. It’s hard to believe that it ever really happened on network TV.

Person of Interest. CBS did its best to fuck over the show and its fans, but it persevered, giving us great character arcs and a satisfying conclusion. 

It’s within a metaphorical stone’s throw of “rube”, so that fits rather nicely.

Have ANY X-Men Legends/Marvel Ultimate Alliance games had interesting puzzles or interesting levels? They’ve ALL been brawlers where 85% of the game is enjoying the power-trip and 15% is unlocking new characters.  I don’t understand what makes this one worse to you in some way?

100 percent agree. I loved it in the theater and I still love it now.

To many people got pissed at this twist. I loved it. Came clear out of left field, and that's what made it so great.