
“Look, we priced it at $89.99 for a reason.”


“Cap wouldn’t say “Hail Hydra” even though everything is at risk(Secret Empire notwithstanding). Cap would refuse to do so at any cost. But that one’s just nitpicking.”

That wasn’t the MAIN objective or the reason for putting them back. Like I said, it was a courtesy to the timeline. When they went in they hadn’t even thought of putting them back until the ancient one talked to Bruce. It wasn’t the stones themselves that created a splice in the timeline, it was the effect not having

Not really. They just didn’t handle Time Travel in the manner that movies usually do. They actually explained actual quantum theory pretty well. In the MCU, the grandfather paradox isn’t a thing. When someone from the past comes into the present, they are technically a quantum duplicate. This is how Nebula was able to

They’ve never used the time stone to time travel and the quantum suit stuff is tried and true for them.  this isn’t hard to figure out bro


That’s not a plot hole, that's just a thing that happened in the movie. 

Here’s to the teen-aged versions of ourselves that managed to pick screen names that we still manage to like all these many years later!

The single player campaign is pretty short. Maybe 8 hours or so? Definitely a good change of pace for the constant stream of big open world endless games. Also it’s awesome!

Roughly 8-10 hours, you could probably finish it in a single sitting, if you were so inclined.

I didn’t play AC Origins, so I can’t speak to its length, but I got 80 hours into Odyssey and had barely even scratched the’s excellent, but there’s waaaaaaaaaay too much stuff to do, imo.

Wow, I’m with you. So many people loved Black Flag but it was just so... tired to me, and I gave up halfway through. As a result, I never bothered picking up any of the other games. Like you, gave Origins a try over last Christmas and fell in love with the game, particularly the Egyptian setting which I adored.

Heath bar blizzard from DQ forever and always.

Shock Tarts, or whatever they’re calling those “chewy-Spree-with-a-hyper-sour-coating” things this week.  If I don’t stop myself, I’ll eat enough of them where the inside of my mouth feels like I’ve been taking swigs from a car battery. 

I totally agree on Payday. I love extreme salty and sweet combinations and that candy bar nails it. The only negative is that you have to eat it over a garbage can because it goes EVERYWHERE.

Heath Bar. HEATH BAR! Do I really need to shout this from the mountaintops? This is the most underrated candy, bar none. Toffee + chocolate — it’s perfect. Don’t try to sway me with your Skor bullshit.

Oh man that really scratches an itch. I hope they get it right! Games like this are so hard to pull off.

If Steve dies, I will burn it all to the ground. All of it.

Easy solution: Always buy the snack sized variety for whatever holiday is coming that stores just laid out for instead when they first come out.