
Even as a Pens fan, I felt bad for the Jackets for that bad goalie interference call; then Savard crosschecked Hornqvist face first into the pipe away from the play a minute later and I stopped caring.

Totally agree Cecilia. The new Uprising Event is fantastic!

It’s about as open as ME1. Really about the same mix of open (think Mako exploration) and on-rails (think Eden prime or most of Noveria) as the first game. The “open” areas might be slightly smaller geographically, hard to tell, but they feel way bigger thanks to the fact that they’re relatively full of things to

I played Mass Effect 2 all the way through right before Andromeda came out, and it’s a great game, but has some of the same problems people are brutalizing the new game for.

I’m currently on Havarl. With that said, the graphics are like an early PS3 game?! You’re nuts. Granted I’m playing on a 4K TV and on a PS4 Pro, but the graphics look great. Animations? Not so much, but the game looks nice.

I agree.

I played it for 70 hours. I don’t get why people are so mad. It’s a solid game. Sure, it’s rough, but in no way does it deserve the hate it’s been getting.

It really bothers me the way people get sucked into the meta-narrative of a games development.

Drack being both the most badass fighter on the team coupled with him being hilariously like an old grandpa makes him my favorite squad mate.

“Other teams might be skiddish about you.”

Female face 8, eh. one of the 2 that is worth using.

I did that for Saints Row 4. He kinda looked like the Joker, but also had metallic skin and a high pitched voice.

I like the lower lipstick, reminds me of Kasumi from Mass Effect 2

I just realized my Ryder is cosplaying as Silk.

I watched them through once on Netflix and rather liked it.

“The Body” destroyed me. A full episode of discomfort and tears.

Seven games a week is a big commitment? Please. An average player playing for an hour will get in at least 5 games. I call BS.

Looks more like Chris Pine. I approve.

There is no reason to call this a hook any more. What, do they call time-out and pull out the hook that’s dug into their flesh as they step a toe around a corner?

First they came for the Eggos, and I cried not, “Leggo!”