
I hated her with a burning passion, to the point where at one part her boyfriend has a chance to save her or himself, and I just let go of my humanity and let the bitch die.

But then... she survived. And then she got chased by blood thirsty monsters, and goddamnit she ran and fought for her life. It was at the point

Yeah but that’s more akin to watching a big gaming tournament. Watching a streamer would be more like watching one person throw a football by himself while doing commentary.

I’m glad you were wrong!

People might hate me for this...but I would watch the shit out of that movie.

Now playing

I think IGN knocked it out of the park this year.

As someone with kids facing the challenges of a mixed-racial upbringing, I would hope you'd have a better understanding of why representation is important.

I refuse to use anything but this. All others make my lips feel Waxy, this one is absorbed quickly and is extremely soothing. It also helps re hydrate the nose when tissues dry out the skin.

I refuse to use anything but this. All others make my lips feel Waxy, this one is absorbed quickly and is extremely

"...that nolan feel to it. Notice how there's no color, no feeling of excitement. Just a drab, slit your wrist, ho hum drum aesthetic."

Dead Space is one of the finest crafted horror series, ever. While people shit all over Dead Space 3, i loved it. The opening was great, the open world space hub above the ice planet Tau Volantis was fantastic, and the co-op was solid, and Visceral pulled it off better than most. Let's not even speak of the stellar

Charlie Day. No, I'm serious, Charlie Day.

Rob Paulsen has ruined all other Donnie VA's for me. He's just so damn *PERFECT*.

I thought both were ok, they were not as bad as people over reacted them to be, but I like RE5 more than RE6