
“These things are crazy!”

I loved Welcome to the Jungle so much. I wasn’t able to see it in theaters, but I bought it when it came out and watched it twice in the first week. As great as the Rock and Jack Black were, I think my absolute favorite part is the scene where Karen Gillan is trying to flirt with the NPC guys. Karen Gillan is

Always enjoyed watching the Snacktaku videos. Made a small donation. Please get well, Mike!

A couple of Venom’s lines sound like Lance Reddick to me. That’s just a guess though.

I haven’t really kept abreast of what’s been going on with this game, but...

I hate PvP, hate it. I avoid it at all costs 99.99999% of the time. Yet I love Overwatch. I am generally terrible at it, my reflexes suck, but I’ve been playing it fairly regularly (mostly in coincidence with the seasonal events) and I still love it and enjoy the hell out of it.

I’d figuratively kill for the ability to play PvE modes whenever I wanted. Or at the very least, maybe have one of them available at all times, and rotate it weekly. They are my favorite things.

I went back and forth on it, but committed to the Americanized version on the spur of the moment. I hitched my wagon to it, and that’s that.

Let me ask you equestrian - have you just been chomping at the bit to saddle us all with the burden of seriousness? Rein in the austerity and let yourself be foalish for once.

How dare they try to take away her constitutional right to have corporations pay her to say shit on TV.

I’ve watched the specials of his that are on Netflix multiple times. He’s great.

Yeah, I actually got to the point where he busts in in that suit and says I can only fight him when I solve all his shit, so it looks like I’ll have to get all those after all.

I actually just picked Arkham Knight back up after not playing it for quite a while (6 months or so) and I’m having mixed feelings about it. I’m enjoying the main quests and some of the side quests, but I’m starting to feel overwhelmed by all the Riddler stuff and AR missions. I did 100% of the Riddler and side quests

Heads up, I just got an email from BBTS with the link to order them.

BBTS still doesn’t have any listings at all for the Infinity War figures yet.

Same! I usually pre-order everything on BBTS because I love their “pile of loot” option, but still nada. Ebay has a set for $170, but that’s still a bit much.

I’m at 82% completion on Horizon Zero Dawn - with pretty much all of the basic side stuff done, so I plan on just plowing through the rest of the story this weekend. I know I’m late to the party, but what a game! Best combat system in any game that I’ve played, I think.

Edit: I am dumb, I missed the link the article.

Ibanez likely as the next guy to point out puns, but this one was a double whammy.

The way this reads reminds me of the bad endings of the old Choose Your Own Adventures books.