
Anyone else think that all these animated GIFs on the homepage is making Kotaku a bit too much like those terrible preteen MySpace pages?

Give me a screenshot, or better yet, a video embed. I don't need a grainy two second snippet of a better quality video I'm about to watch anyway.

Aaaand the link is broken on both sites, because good job, Kotaku.

I would say that those are two fairly key points. After all, if I was was gonna buy, for example, a car and it had a massive Audi logo across the hood, I'd probably be less inclined to buy it if it didn't have one.

Plus, the light bar? Looks pretty great and unique in my living room, especially the gradient. I can't

The PS4 has the contrasting glossy and matt sections, doesn't have a dumb giant logo on top and has a gradient on its lightbar (plus, multiple colors)

I feel that Kotaku learns most of it's stuff from Reddit.

I know a console's physical design has very little to do with its ability to play games, but man do these things look cheap next to a PS4.

... There IS a Gravity Rush sequel in the works.

It's gonna be great seeing how Apple fans justify this move.

That half-second shooting scene from the game's rendition of First Blood had more casualties than all of First Blood movie.

Where are all those PC Master Race memes?

But did the fish realistically swim away from you?

THAT is the scariest thing in this post.

Except they're not small parts. There's several screenshots in that link where the character models are jaggier as well.

If jagginess isn't an issue, then framerate is. According to the Digital Foundry article, the Xbone has more framerate issues AND runs in a lower resolution.

A bunch of this guy's screenshots say otherwise.

Apparently, the contrast has been turned up in the Xbone footage in an effort to hide the jaggies too.

I'll just put this here.

"now BF4 looks better on the Xbox One then the PS4"

I'm not sure you know what you're talking about.


$499 (for the Xbone) + $20 (for the dumb accessory) = $519


I would check this article out before jumping to that conclusion:…

Basically, the PS4 pushes 50% more pixels and keeps to the same framerate or better that the Xbone.