Looks like someone hasn't played enough mobile games to know that touch screens make for terrible controller inputs.
Looks like someone hasn't played enough mobile games to know that touch screens make for terrible controller inputs.
As someone who used to live in the Philippines, I can confirm that the only reason we're getting so much Hurricane Sandy coverage is because all the major news networks are in NYC and Lord knows nothing else is more important in their eyes.
Because it's NYC, and if it happens to NYC, we've ALL got to hear about it, whether or not we choose to.
Annual releases? Incremental improvements? Idiots will still lap it up by the millions? Looks like you just became Activision, Apple.
So, I guess it was gonna be Rugged White Male #42
As someone who has moved three times in the last four years (for job reasons) and has trouble finding three friends to sit on the same couch because of jobs/grad school/girlfriends/life, I'm gonna call you an idiot.
Oh, is that why most iPhone users I know have horrifyingly ugly covers on their phones?
Remember too that America isn't a reflection of the world. There are waaaaay more Android phones outside America, particularly Samsungs and HTCs, and in many cases it isn't because people can't afford an iPhone.
I'll give Wacom a ring on my magic phone and get right on it.
If you've ever used a wacom tablet with photoshop, then basically, yes.
Did Protoman's hand turn into a penis a 0:25?
Egoraptor (aka the other guy on Game Grumps) does some great stuff too.
I wish they still did movie posters like this. The composition and design on them are much better than the "make famous person's face as large as possible" approach to poster design nowadays.
I'm sure someone can mod it so it can look like Call of Gears of Honor for you.
Not picture: Your thumbs covering up the improved graphics.
Apple! Lawsuit joke! Website hits! Profit!
Not pictured: Your thumbs covering 1/3 of the screen.
I don't think you understand the average "I-download-a-free-puzzle-game-a-week" iPhone gamer. I doubt many of them are going nuts over a 16x9 aspect ratio.
Plus, portability. I go jogging quite a bit and a nano would suit me better than the touch. Granted, I thought Apple got it right with the 4th/5th generations nanos, and everything else after that has been stupid, but whatever.
Apple announces new tablet: Somewhat misleading one-word superlatives on website.