
Agreed. Doing work like that doesn’t make one a wizard, it makes one qualified for employment.

Not sure what happened there, the plate is “GOTAHOE”

What do you say instead of SUV? I don’t know what else I would call those tall cars. Or, do you think it is inaccurate because they aren’t “sport” or “utility” enough?

A friend of mine battled the Nevada DMV over “ho.” His family spends much of their time at Lake Tahoe and they put a plate on their truck saying GOTOHOE. At some point they were told it was offensive and had to defend it. It wasn’t a huge battle, but we were all surprised the DMV felt the need to protect the public

Maybe rear visibility isn’t much of a concern with real-view cameras and lots of sensors and warnings? I drive a car with almost zero rear window visibility (Pantera) and my problems would be solved with a camera.

Normally the narrative is written so the humans are the hero. Not so much in this case. 

The hosts are an oppressed/enslaved people living in a fantasy world they think is real. There is an awakening and the oppressed get the chance for revolt, revenge and freedom.

I had an e36 M3 until recently and adored it. I have other cars but the e36 became my daily driver because I loved the feel. It had the usual - tune, intake, exhaust - and seemed eager to do whatever I asked of it.

I’m gonna do it. Love your name, by the way. My days are consumed by graphic design, so it gave me a chuckle.

While I agree with your statement, I can sympathize with the author because finding stock photography which exactly matches your message can oftentimes be impossible.

I have mixed my coffee with chocolate protein powder, but how did I not think of instant breakfast? I am going to give that a try.

Of all the things announced today in Cupertino, this is the only one you can buy right now

Damn it to hell!

I was pretty excited about this during the event. I kind of assumed they would show a keyboard with the same features for people like me...people who use multiple large displays and have their laptop closed and docked 85% of the time. Nope, if I want to use the snazzy bar, I need to work with my laptop open in front

All good points and I thought about not needing a mouse when using a touchscreen, I just couldn’t imagine what the efficiency difference would be between the touchscreen actions and keyboard/mouse would be.

I want to like this, and I am willing to make the jump from my 22 years of running my creative biz on Macs...but dang it, I don’t draw. Still excited to see it in action since Apple doesn’t seem to care about designers any more.

Former drummer here - watching their drummer drove me crazy, too. It went WAY beyond passion and into...mime performance?

I was specifically talking about when I use my laptop as a laptop. Mostly when traveling. The rest of the time I run two additional 27" displays.

Congrats on your find! Did you install an older OS that requires fewer resources? Do the newer versions of the OS even run on the G4 processor?

I use an iPad as a second monitor when I travel. Works pretty well but the iPad screen goes to sleep more often than I like...hopefully just a setting.