
Now they have to find someone else to blame for their laziness?

A toxic stew of 30+ years of right wing media, the social media echo chamber, and the myth of American Exceptionalism. The demographics of the United States is skewing less white, blue collar jobs are disappearing and they’ll blame everybody except for themselves for their situation. Sadly I have a twentysomething

My biggest question is :

You’re exactly right.

For $10,000 I'll get you a hacked phone with Parler and Amazon Web Services installed. 

There’s a sucker born every minute.

Dont fret. Changli has their best people working on that as we speak. 

Kia, Hyundai, and Nissan are generally at the bottom.

One of my clients is a car dealer network with 26 Ford and Mazda stores throughout New England and Northern California. If one of the internet reps for any of our stores pulled this stunt, he or she would be fired in an instant.

If you really want to see something amazing, there’s a youtube video of Rob Paulsen singing the country song in real life. He’s not reading it off anything, he actually knows those Animaniacs songs by heart. AND he’s got an update verse, since the world map has changed since it was originally recorded. It’s just

I was just watching the original episodes with my kids the other day and that “countries of the world” song just blew my mind. I don’t think I appreciated how excellent it was when I was a kid, but damn that thing was a work of art.

Robokiller started well for me, but eventually began to lose effectiveness. This was admittedly over a year ago, and it seemed like the spammers were changing numbers too fast for them to keep up.

The only appropriate response. 👍

“A pimp's love is very different from that of a  square"

You call that a trike?

Came here for this. Very satisfied indeed.

Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would be proud.

It’sh only natural that Sean Connery would drag his archnemesis to the afterlife.

I appreciate how many folks here are learning about chastity devices for the first time.