
+1 star for “ghey buttsecks”

You sir get all of the stars.

I guess. We are alerted the very moment that a single machine cannot install an update. Regardless if it is a third party update or Windows update. At that point the system triggers my team and the NOC team to investigate the problem. That seems like a pretty heavy human intervention to me. In my experience the good

A lot of small to medium businesses are now outsourcing their IT to managed service companies who all use some sort of remote management system that handles patching automatically through a separate management system like Continuum.

The very next time I hear a black person cry about racial inequality I’ll just point them to this show as proof that all of that is nonsense. You can’t claim that all whites have privilege and then mock them when they call you out for the very same thing you called them out on. It’s cool #hypocrisy

I work for a managed services provider and we saw our service board provider ConnectWise go down. We lost all access to our ticketing system until around 3 p.m. ET. Had to go old school and manually type up ticket reports like it was 1999 ;p.

We’re still not Canada so we’ve got that going for us.

Proud to be a member of the “Old Guard” and I agree with this. While we didn’t necessarily like following rules we did all agree that there were unspoken rules to the game. The threat of predators on the internet was very real from the very start. I remember being asked by horney men a/s/l at all hours of the day or

People are hoping to see a death on live t.v.?

I’m the proud owner of a 2006 Toyota Camry LE 2.4L with 213,826 miles on her. She was built on November 11th, 2005 and I took delivery on November 18, 2005. She still drives like she just came off of the showroom floor. I love this car. I take her in for the slightest tick or rattle and I do not wait for repairs and

That’s a joke right? Even the newest version of the PS4 is still less powerful than a gaming system built in 2012.

We’re sorry that you’re poor. The PC master race isn’t for everyone.

Do you feel better now?

Do you really think the drone pilot will be able to afford a fine big enough to deter people when the drone he/she was flying costs $1,000 or less?

As a managed service provider in information technology I must say that I rarely run into BSOD’s outside of custom rigs or personal computers. Usually the offices I work for will mass purchase their systems from either Dell or HP which both give a stellar repair package. Nine times out of ten the manufacturer simply

Then you must not do a lot of system tweaking or overclocking because BSOD’s are a thing when playing mad scientist on your rig.

Welcome to Gawker media? You must be new here.

That’s some professional trolling right there sir.

I really do miss his hard hitting no nonsense approach to political news when he was on MSNBC. I felt like he spent more time trying to call out all of the bullshit of the Bush administration than anyone else at the time.

You didn’t think the government really spent $20,000 on a hammer or $30,000 on a toilet seat did you? /s