@Papier-pele: Good luck with that. The price of the Rock Band 2 drums didnt drop to 50 dollars until last year, a good year and a half after Rock Band 3 came out.
@Papier-pele: Good luck with that. The price of the Rock Band 2 drums didnt drop to 50 dollars until last year, a good year and a half after Rock Band 3 came out.
@DS: No, they do, just like anyone else. It's just that in a lot of animes, eyes are drawn really large to make the girls, well, cuter. Somehow, they think this works in real life too.
@spiderweb1986: You can use the keyboard controller for guitar as well, so even now you can still play their songs with the keyboard, it actually makes more sense, lol.
OMG, PAIN FOR ROCK BAND 2! Wait, does it support harmonies for Rock Band 3? I must know!!!
Why, why, why, WHY, SEGA! How could you mess this up so bad!
@xXezbadfishXx: Get Rock Band 3 and get Guitar Hero controllers. Best of both worlds.
Wait, you mean you COULDNT do that before?
Looks awesome, but...why does Sonic have to look so weird when he's running?
@RockyRan: I was playing Rock Band 2 with my USB mic, a third-party one, not the one that comes with the game, and it works fine.
@Pezdispenser: The greatest scene. The Bat Ladder.....oh my god, the Bat Ladder....I had heard about the Bat Shark Repellent but...the Bat....LADDER? That's even worse then the Bat Credit Card. I think I'm losing my Bat Mind!!
@hatmantc: The Superman Returns video game had potential. Apparently it got the feel of flying around the city as Superman right, it just....sucked at every other aspect of the game.
@Toshi: Is....is she running around, chasing him into a back alley to..."play" with Elmo? Is that the joke here? Or am I just a weirdo?
Psh, screw super powers. I'd be like Batman, cunning, stealthy, one step ahead of everyone else, showing off what we HUMANS are capable of. Superman's got nothing on Batman!
I just saw the trailer for Project Milo right now.
What is this? The note track on the left looks too difficult to keep up with. Are those drums? I thought Rock Band drums were hard enough all ready.
@Black Knight Rebel: Dude, I remember when they were releasing the first PSP, and how that was supposed to "blow away" the Nintendo DS cause it had better graphics. I was actually afraid it would overshadow the DS cause people would be attracted to the pretty graphics.
It better be a remake of the original Metal Gear and Metal Gear Solid Snake. Unless he's planning a Metal Gear Solid: Another feel sorry for Big Boss game. Seriously, Big Boss is my favorite character, and I loved Portable Ops and Peace Walker, but enough is enough. He established the origins of FOXHOUND, he…
@kraed: The problem is that the video game industry already regulates itself. It gives it own ratings, which are easily viewable in the front of the game case. Most retailers wont sell mature games to minors already.
@Ghinn: The problem with this bill is that it wants to get the government to enforce it.
Wow, when Entertainment as a whole just rises up against this law, you know this law cant be passed without things changing. I'm positive, though, that just with the evidence that all other courts and all other levels have denied any other similar video game laws, the supreme court will just throw this out.