
So simple, so good.

oh, snap!

I missed this and commented on it above. Bless you for remembering.

Leon Washington did this for the Jets a number of years ago. Probably the last time anyone on that shitsucking team did anything right.

I love this kind of shit.

Don’t be so pistorius.

that post has legs. +1

To be fair, the majority of finance bros don't know very much about finance either.

It's a house that you are buying. Not a home.

What an upbleat little story!

Water they gonna do about this?

Made me laugh a lot and loud. Slainte.

I’m Irish, so f-you. Plus, 319 is obviously more than 319.

I was totally prepared to hate on this as a bunch of nonsense about a non-sport, but the number of thoughtful comments about the theater of it, as well as the trips down memory lane, changed my mind. Well done, internets!

I really hope there’s a fascinating answer—I have the same question.

I was drenched from thinking.

Doubling-down when obviously wrong is never a good move, but it sure is entertaining.

I recently had to educate my son about this guy’s douchebaggery after my boy had stumbled on his vlog and became a bit of a fan. Here are some things I’m curious about and would like to see more closely examined:

Had it after my rotator cuff. I begged them to let me keep it a few more weeks. I’d marry it if I could.

As a hockey fan, I enjoyed hearing (reading) that. And good job by you watching it with your kids. I’ve been doing the same with soccer. The SC Finals over the past several years have been pretty great showcases of hockey IMO. The speed game is truly remarkable and when these guys are letting it all hang out because