
How can we send this guy consoles to help him and other refugees? With all the collectors we have, people can easy help this guy out and spread some video games over to Uganda.

I'm seeing a whole lot of tone deaf in this thread, they clearly said that the main character is male and that in co-op everyone will be the main character on their own screen, like in Watch Dogs and similar to Peace Walker.

Don't get me wrong I think the options for female characters are great and I often will choose a female character on a second playthroughs of games I enjoy just to freshen the experience up but even if the situation were reversed, I'd still prefer the dev to sink man/woman hours into making the actual game better

The thing is, I don't see how laws are going to keep agressors from getting guns in the US. Yes, you can make laws, but criminals in the US have this odd habit of not obeying them. I mean, look at drug laws, did banning pot keep it off the streets? Did those laws even make it hard to obtain pot?

The number of responsible gun owners doesn't compensate for the sheer number of violent consequences having legal and very open access to guns entails.

right because criminals follow gun laws.... while we're at it we should make cocaine illegal, that will surely stop people from buying using and selling it!

and why would somebody already known for breaking major laws decide to care about gun laws. They don't/won't and will obtain them illegally as they always do. Certain professions require you to be armed, my friend is a PI and has a conceal and carry for work, should be he not be allowed to carry a piece?

living in the inner city and having my house broken into TWICE with one of those times me being in the house sleeping, is not paranoia, I am within my y rational mind to protect myself and my property from someone who has the potential to harm me. Gun laws dont stop criminals from getting guns. they slow down law

How is it fair to say that, how about people who were happy with where they lived in a neighborhood where they have paid their house off and lived there for 20+ years then some crackhead moves in next door and starts dealing drugs out of that house with increasing amounts of violence and attracting other drug addicts

I think the term "homophobic" is being used too broadly these days.

This is exactly what I keep saying when people react poorly to my nigger jokes. They're just there to entertain.

Do you know tiresome it is for people to tell me what I can and cannot say because I might in some small way inadvertently offend someone that I'm not even talking to, I don't even know, and in all honesty I could not give less of a shit about? As you said, it works both ways.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

If you ever find yourself actually thinking "Is this joke harmful?" you should probably step back and really think about it. It's a joke. By definition it exists to entertain. If someone gets offended by it, that's on them. If someone thinks it's in poor taste, tough shit. If you're not particularly entertained,