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It happened to me the exact same way, but i couldnt get free so i kept killing the guy until he quit

A suspension made of macaroni? Thats prepastarous

Kegs lost to sangria and lean is losing to prozac, bullshit. Clearly this bracket is made up and not real.

No, no one associated it with justin beiber, no one has or ever will

yea i was there too

not really, he could have done this standing around in the paint or right after he missed a shot.

do you know how weird it is telling my friends about garden warfare.. Titanfall is easier because of real guns, but when i say "yea thats the cactus its like a sniper" then it gets real weird.

honestly games should be a flat 50$ (before tax) and 5-10$ cheaper digital

I went to highschool with matthew wright and I never thought he was this good (the coach basically gave him the team though)

because it keeps the noise down

do these count? because i kinda like the ones on the ml63 but i cant stand the one you posted

i think that mustang grill does a pretty good job hiding it, i cant stand those plain black plastic air scoops where the fog lights sit though

the last sidearm is the best for wall hanging, one shot headshots

its like the states

I take pride in doing titanfall stuff with style, makes the game way more enjoyable.

They will never legalize it, burning Tesla smoke kills brain cells.

You really have to be stupid to make this for only one OS, a game I understand but this relies on lots of people contributing to make the app useful and until apple gets 100% market share this is useless.

I havent read it yet but I wanted to say ur all mean for waiting so long to release the review

I wouldn't say fusion but an Altima was surely the father