The porsche is my current background
The porsche is my current background
Personally I find the supra very ugly but it's one of those cars where you don't buy it for looks, you buy it to make a gazillion horse powers.
or you could just let it hang down and not mount it flush against the table, you'd be surprised just how little space it needs to stay cool.
Im 17 and 6'6" with bad knees, flights are the most painful thing in the world.
YES! Ill use my old wheel with my old xbox 360 on a seperate tv in the house, and my main setup will be this with the xbox one on the best tv.
of all E9X M3's sold in North America almost half were equipped with a manual, its not a lack of demand issue for sure.
I love the way the Charger looks. It's bold, it's brash, it's masculine, it's intimidating, and it's American as all hell. The original LX-platform Charger looked awesome when it debuted way back in 2005, and its 2010 update made it look even better. Highlights for me include its aggressive-looking grille, huge…
so what you're saying is, if you have a cold and crash a model S you'll come out healthy?
Hey, look at it this way, it could have been worse.
Woah.. too far. Im saying I would drive a slow car that looked nice, you can do whatever you want with this kira knightly person.
Could I fit in it? (im 6foot6)
in racing where win or lose is decided by tenths of a second, 2 whole seconds is like an eternity.
Another question, mini related, do you think mini should be a brand that only makes small cars or should they be free to explore other segments like SUVs and whatnot.
when designing a car, any car really, where do you start? is it like a "saw it in a dream" type thing or does it gradually come to you, tweaking the design bit by bit over time?
im not going to question your logic, im just going to follow it by calling you a stupid head
THANK GOD that no one is forcing you to buy OR look at this car, and if after 2 generations you still dont like how it looks then it's probably you not the car.
i dont appreciate the lack of picture of the back of the car, also I was thinking and I decided Jalopnik should make an instagram or youtube account (preferably instagram, 15 seconds is enough) so that we could see/hear a clip or two of the car instead of just imagining what it sounds like.
Wow, there's no way for you to NOT be having a blast right now.
What a beautiful car, I think they did well with the design, aggressive yes but not overly aggressive and still rather luxurious looking. Ive been waiting a good two years to see this car, cant wait till it hits dealer floors and you can get an E92 or E46 for a steal. M4, M3 or "M Edition 2 door Horse powered carriage…