chris rock is an amazing comedian
chris rock is an amazing comedian
I cant stand when someone races or drives dangerously in a place and becomes a risk to others.
Thats actually not what they or anyone else said, what they did say was that the car applies its brakes.
I always thought that was what made the car unique
Why did they decide to leave the fun happy cheerful look for this more serious more corporate feel?
this looks like a forza shot
That mitsubishi is so ugly, like did no one look at it before they put it on showroom floors?
My dad is an A to B type guy he could care less about actual driving and his 1999 MB ML350 has crossed over 330,000 km yet he cant remember the last time the car had a problem or he changed the oil.
at the end of the day this car wasnt designed to appeal to more then 1 person and sell. it was designed for specifically one guy with a very specific idea of what he wants in his car,if we were all rich there would be thousands of examples of ugly one-off cars that only the owner can stand
Could someone explain the need for tape Xs over the headlights?
I cant wait, all those people who only drive to get from A to B will no longer clog up the left lane, right lane, or really any lane at all since the wont be in control of the car and thus will not be able to make mistake after mistake after mistake.
its a great car, its nice every time i see one but in my area theres only like 2 or 3 i have ever seen and i live in toronto so its not a small town. the strange thing i found was that all 3 Volts i have seen all were driven by senior citizens.. a little weird i think
Hey look at me I only know left and right but am unable to take into account anything else like grip, speed, how the road curves, angle of attack etc.
Im still going to end up buying it but I dont think microsoft understands how many times I played through an entire campaign because there was no internet
at the end of the day, i dont think any other car could out do this interior.
im fine with the car, im just puzzled by this light
omg lets all complain when a cool new car comes out because it has such a negative effect on our lives like now we might have to see pictures of it and read about it omg the horror!
im retarded that's what, I just read everything i wrote there and I dont even want to think about it, i just ask of you to simply pretend you never saw it.
"In Australia, you fill first and then pay later," is that not how it is everywhere? here in canada the only time you HAVE to pay first is at night, and thats really only in certain neighborhoods.
Found the video.