
Cheif getting a little extra "icing" on the cake from Cortana ;)

Clearly not enough of you have driven the Yugo. single best car ever made. Since I'm from the former Yugoslavia I can tell you everyone i know has driven and loved one.

actually, I bought an iPhone 4 just for playing games, and use my BB9900 for everything else.


I had over 60 days played on halo 3, even at only $7.50, this could still be very bad for my health...

did this remind anyone else of that episode of the cosby show where rudy joins a football team?

I read an article once that said driving high did result in more accidents, but they were mainly little things like slight bumper to bumper contact, backing into a pole, just stupid stuff like that, where as the sober drivers had less overall accidents, but more potentially fatal crashes.

I guess you're just unlucky, I regularly hit 150 on our (Canadian) highways.

cry about it some more so we can decide if anyone actually cares.

Can we all at least appreciate that Valhalla is back, easily one of the best maps in the game.

You snapped.

you seem to have just pulled a story about this womans life straight out of thin air.